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Introduction to Mental Exhaustion

Mental exhaustion is becoming one of the more serious problems today.

Symptoms of mental include feeling constantly tired, being unable to concentrate, etc. A lot of thing may cause mental exhaustion. It is not uncommon that one feels a constant need to sleep. Sometimes, it may occur in conjunction with depression.

This condition may have many causes, such as being a side effect of prescription medications, stimulating substances like caffeine, alcohol and sugar, or may be related to a mental illness such as depression.

If left untreated, it may have other consequences, which may be more severe and endanger one’s health significantly.

Homeopathic remedies

As for many other conditions, homeopathy has found the cure for mental exhaustion, too. It is free of side effects and completely natural.

Lycopodium, used when one has increased appetite, especially strong cravings for candy, feels stressed, lacking in confidence, etc.Nux Vomica, used when one’s symptoms have been induced by too much working. If one feels irritable, oversensitive, has strong cravings for coffee and possibly feels better after taking naps. The person may suffer from constipation, abdominal pain, heartburn, etc.Piric Acid, especially useful if one has fears of failure, but hasn’t got the willpower to do anything about it. May experience a headache in the back of the head and feel dull.Coffea, for those with an “overactive mind”. With the inability to sleep, one feels particularly exhausted.Arnica Montana, most effectively used for symptoms such as aching muscles. The person may have a tendency to push himself over the limit, denying any possibility that it might be extremely harmful to him.Kali Phosphoricum. Should be used by those feeling both physical and mental exhaustion. They may feel nervous or want to be left alone. Also, they may have short attention span or frequent headaches which seem to be coming from the back of the head.Phosphoric Acid, used when one feels indifferent, and may be unable to collect his own thoughts.Silica. For cases when one is overworked and therefore exhausted both mentally and physically.Cocculus, when the symptoms are dizziness, inability to sleep, excessive worrying. It is common for young mothers to feel this type of mental fatigue.Ruta Graveolens, efficient in dealing with eye problems (such as burning sensations; may lead to headaches) caused by staring for a long time at fine print. Other symptoms may be overall tiredness and stiffness.Ginseng has been proven to be of great help when it comes to better adapting to stress and other causes of mental exhaustion.

Other Helpful Tips

One might try drinking a glass of grapefruit juice every day to relieve some symptoms of mental exhaustion. It has been proven that grapefruit successfully dispels fatigue.

Also, one should try eating a lot of green vegetables, which contain potassium and calcium. They, in turn, help one relax and get rid of this condition.

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