Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that causes people to have unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that could lead them to engage in repetitive behaviors (compulsions).
Doctors and scientists are still not determined what specifically causes OCD, although there are some indications that the low level of serotonin in the brain is responsible for the development of this disorder. It is proven that OCD affects several family members, suggesting that it may be genetically predisposed.
OCD can be treated with psychotherapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proved to be the most effective talk therapy to overcome this problem. It primarily involves learning about OCD and a better understanding of obsessions of the disorder. Then, it uses two very effective methods (exposure and ritual prevention) that, after a length patients stop with their compulsions, building a greater sense of security in dealing with everyday problems.

In addition to officially recognized methods of treatment, there are also a lot of homeopathic remedies that help in the removal of obsession and compulsion. It is important to note that homeopathy treats man as a whole, which means that choosing homeopathic medicine must consider all about medical history, constitution, a genetic predisposition for a certain disease, current status and symptoms, and characteristics of personality. Only after establishing the necessary facts should access the selection of drugs for specific patients.
- The recommended treatments for OCD are cognitive– behavioural therapy using exposure and response prevention and/or pharmacotherapy. On the other hand, some nutritional and herbal supplements may be effective in the treatment of OCD.
- There are some supplements that have been researched in OCD treatment studies such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, folic acid, homocysteine, trace elements, N-acetyl cysteine, glycine, myoinositol, St John’s wort, milk thistle, valerian root, curcumin and borage.
- There are limited studies about herbal and nutritional supplements for OCD treatment in the literature. OCD and vitamin D association has been studied only in children and adolescents. Limited data show a negative correlation between OCD symptom severity and vitamin D. But these studies have been conducted in small samples and have some controversial points in methodology.
- Vitamin B12 and folate are thought to be effective in OCD treatment due to their associations with neurotransmitters. Depending on their antioxidant effect, zinc and selenium can be used in augmentation therapy for OCD. However, both trace elements and vitamin B12/folate can be affected by diet. Therefore, dietary habits of participants have to be considered when designing studies on OCD treatment.
- There are some studies and case reports that have shown improvement with NAC in OCD. However, these studies had small samples and participants who use SSRI or any psychotropic drug or psychotherapy. Data on the effect of glycine in OCD treatment are quietly restricted. On the other hand, maintaining treatment with glycine is very difficult due to its adverse effects. The existing limited clinical data suggest that MI may potentially be effective as monotherapy for OCD.
For the treatment of OCD is available several homeopathic remedies which include:
1. Arsenic Album
It is used for conditions such as overload of conscience grouch, lethargy, disinclination, fear of loneliness, illness, and death, despair with suicidal thoughts, hypersensitivity, anger and criticism tendency anxiety, fatigue, and poor concentration, loss of consciousness and feelings, maniac behavior and rabies.2. Cannabis indica
It helps with symptoms such as a very lively spirit and penchant for fun and mischief, extreme loquacity and theorizing, lack of sense of time and space, constant fear of madness, darkness, and death, unexpected delays in thought, memory, and speech - stutter absence, and clairvoyance, extreme imagination and hallucination nausea and unquenchable thirst.3. Lachesis
It is used in cases such as changing, indecision, and timidity character mental dysfunction in terms of extremely poor memory and inability to remember the simplest facts, a strong sense of excitement, great irritability, ecstasy, and desire for meditation eloquence, and a sense of greatness, tendency, derision, jealousy, and satire talking in sleep, dementia and loss of consciousness.4. Medorrhinum expression
It is used in conditions such as fear of speaking in public, inability to use the mind in the case of headaches, audio and visual hallucinations, despair, madness and fear of darkness and death, sense of committed unforgivable sin anticipation, impatience, and great selfishness.5.Natrum mur.
It is a homeopathic remedy that is applied in cases of anxiety, indifference, loquacity, irritability, hurry, impatience, fear of humans and diseases, forgetfulness, disability, poor concentration, exhaustion of thinking, intellectual work, and discussions, hate, and anger that are very easily caused by unstoppable laughter to tears, even when something isn’t funny.6. Pulse
Pulse is used when symptoms manifest themselves as doubt, distrust, and restraint with frequent sighs and hands crossed envy, discontent, greed, contempt for all discouragement, indecisiveness, and the constant pursuit of eternal happiness, hypersensitivity, weepiness, and resentment toward meeting ill humor, hysterical laughter after eating and breathing difficulties difficulty in expressing thoughts and absence talking in a dream, strange ideas, stupidity.7. Rhus-tox
It is used for conditions such as excessive anxiety, sadness, weepiness, desire for loneliness, thoughts of suicide and fear of death, lack of confidence in thinking about the future, children and works bad mood, depression, helplessness, and poor concentration.- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/fear-and-anxiety-children
- www.drhomeo.com/obsessive-compulsive-disorder/homeopathic-remedies-for-obsessive-compulsive-disorder/
- Photo courtesy of https://www.scientificanimations.com/ via Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:OCD_-_Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_disorder.jpg
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