A toothache is usually described as an aching pain in and around a tooth, mainly caused when the nerve root of a tooth is irritated. Dental infection, injury, or decay may be the starting causes of dental pain. Also, it is not uncommon that the pain which is perceived as being dental, actually originated from some other areas. Sinusitis, ear or throat pain, or an injury to the temporomandibular joint that attaches the jaw to the skull may be confused with toothache.
At oothache occurs from inflammation of the central part of the tooth called pulp. The pulp contains nerve endings that are very susceptible to pain. Inflammation to the pulp may be caused by dental cavities, infection or trauma.
Symptoms of toothache are usually: pain when chewing, hot or cold sensitivity, bleeding or discharge from around a tooth or gums, swelling around a tooth or swelling of jaw.
Of course, this pain may be prevented by proper oral hygiene, i.e. brushing one's teeth after meals, flossing, and avoiding smoking.
Many today are turning to this form of treatment, simply because it has been proven very effective and it has no known side-effects. Homeopathy has the solution to almost any health-related problems that sometimes conventional medicine can’t resolve.
Natural treatments
Chamomilla, used when the toothache is severe, and the pain may transgress to other teeth and even ears. Especially effective when one’s condition worsens after eating or drinking something warm.
Magnesium phosphoricum, somewhat a homeopathic version of Aspirin.
Staphysagria, used for severe pain, when the cheeks are swollen and if it’s worse with cold.
Mercurius, the commonest medicine that one takes for dental pain. It is also prescribed for, swollen and retracted gums and pain in hollow teeth.
Plantago major, used when the teeth feel sore and sensitive.
Arnica Montana, commonly used for pain caused by dental fillings and trauma.
Belladonna atropa, if the pain resembles the pain of a migraine or the gums are throbbing.
Antimonium crudum, for gums that bleed easily.
Coffea, for when one has difficulty chewing or drinking anything warm.
Silicea, when one is enduring tremendous pain and is therefore sometimes unable to sleep.
Acupuncture is one of the natural ways of dealing with dental pain. It has been proven effective, economical and a quick solution. For two weeks one should do it twice, followed by a one more treatment in the succeeding week.
Some scientists believe that pain always has a neurological basis, that means, “it’s all in one’s head”. And in the case of toothaches, that has in more than a few times shown to be true. That’s when hypnosis steps in. It is highly efficient in relieving one of chronic dental pain for a long time.
If one is experiencing toothaches, it is important to see a doctor first, while the cause of the pain may be more severe than initially thought. If, it proves not to be serious, then homeopathy is the right solution.
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