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Almost every person in certain circumstances is faced with the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Considering that every man needs 8 hours of sleep, a violation of this rule may result in the appearance of this phenomenon. Mental fatigue and depression also cause the appearance of dark circles. They may be the result of excessive use of medications, alcohol and narcotics. Also, the dark circles under the eyes can be an indicator of lack of nutrients in the body. These unwanted facial decorations are consequence of aging, because as the years go by the skin under the eyes tapering and subcutaneous capillaries become more pronounced. Dark circles under the eyes may occur due to the effects of the sun and hyper pigmentation.

There are several ways to naturally remove dark circles under the eyes. One of the most popular methods is to use paste that contains one teaspoon of tomato juice, half teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric and a pinch of gramflour. This paste should be applied twice a day for 10 minutes. Turmeric can also be used in combination with the pineapple juice to remove dark circles under the eyes.

Another very popular way for alleviating these circles considers putting mini compresses soaked in the cucumber or potato juice. Cucumber juice can also be combined with lanolin cream and lemon juice. This combination is applied 10-15 minutes on the dark circles under the eyes. If dark circles under the eyes are also swollen, the juice of cucumber can be applied in a frozen state.

Also, the application of cold chamomile tea bags on the dark circles under the eyes can lead to their withdrawal.

Almond oil is considered the most efficient remedy for dark circles under the eyes. It is necessary to massage area under the eyes with this oil before going to sleep, 3 times a week. Almonds can be used in a raw state, crushing it and mixing with a few drops of milk. This mixture applies every morning for ten minutes.

Rose water and crushed peppermint applied to the dark circles for 20 minutes also represent a very effective way to remove dark circles under the eyes.

In addition to natural remedies for removing dark circles under the eyes, a variety of creams based on vitamin E can be used for removing dark circles under the eyes. It is not advisable to leave these creams longer time under the eyes.

Some ways for easing dark circles under the eyes include the oral use of some substances, such as tomato juice mixed with lemon juice, mint leaves and salt. In addition, the input of large amounts of water can prevent their formation. Prevention of dark circles under the eyes also includes food intake rich in iron and vitamin C and E (fruits, vegetables, chicken, yellow, orange and red peppers).

Also, there are some things that could be done to prevent the formation of dark circles under the eyes. If it is sunny outside, it is necessary to wear sun glasses to prevent ultraviolet radiation on the eyes. In addition, it is essential to determine the optimal sleep time for a particular person and appreciate this time. Also, some alternative method such as sarvanganasana yoga can be used, which has proved very effective in removing flatulence and dark circles under the eyes.

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