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Hip pain can be caused usually by couple of reasons; first is when people are involved in sports or in a hard work activities, and in the process overusing their hips in physical activities, such as repeating movements, extensive and prolonged sitting, or running. Second one is bursitis, an inflammation of bursa sac (fluid filled sac that cushions the frictions between bone, tendons and muscles in the joint).

Waste majority of people do not exercise enough, or watch what they eat. Those conditions are favorable to hip injuries, and it can sometimes be very annoying and painful.

In that case you have hip pain problems, there are number of things that you can do by yourself. Of course if the status of your injury is serious you should consult your doctor. There are some special exercises that you should try, in order to either relieve your symptoms, or to prevent hip injury to happen.

These are mostly stretching exercises. You should do them once per day, in order to strengthen the muscles around your hip, and increase your flexibility. One of these daily exercises is to lie down on the floor or a bed and to bend your knees up and down, turning slowly from side to side.

Other exercise may also be to lie down and stretch your legs while keeping them firmly together. After that you can try to lift your knees one at a time to your chest. These exercises are proving to be very beneficial to hip injuries, but in case you have a problem with herniated disk, you should consult your doctor first.

As for other thing that you can do by yourself regarding your hip problems, one of them is to try to use a cane or walking stick, until that time that your symptoms are diminished. You should pick a good walking cane that suits your height and build.

You should also lose all excessive body weight. By regularly doing exercises and introducing a new, fresh diet, you can achieve this. Excessive body weight burdens unnecessary your joints and hips.

You can also try to apply heat pack on your sore spot. Electric blanket could help, too. And oddly enough, if that do not help, you should try exactly the opposite, the ice packs. Cold can reduce pain and swelling significantly.

When you make a certain moves, like getting out of the car, try to do that with both of your legs together out of a car. By rotating on your rear in those cases, instead of twisting your pelvis, you can reduce the strain on your hips.

And also, you can always try the over the counter pain relieving medications. Some of them can be anti inflammatory, while others can be just for pain management. If in doubt about that, consult your doctor.

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