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Id you are searching for way to bake healthy and tasteful products, we can help you. With all these articles in the press about unhealthy sweets and pastry, it would be nice to know how to bake something sweet and tasteful, but feeling good about it, knowing that is not just tasty, but healthy, as well. In that case, here are the some helpful tips for you, for bakery and sweets that you can find useful. There will be especially rewarding watching your family enjoying delicious bakery from your kitchen and at the same time, not to be worried about their health.

Healthy baking shopping list

Here are some tips about what essentials you will need to plan your healthy baking. These will be a basic ingredients for your pantry, like ground flax meal, whole wheat flour, honey, whole wheat pastry flour, spelt flour, concentrate of frozen fruit juice, applesauce, unrefined sugar, non instant rolled oats and rice bran oil or another vegetable oil, like canola.

You should totally avoid using the white flour in your cocking and baking. White flour has been stripped of all nutritional value and bleached, so instead, use whole wheat or spelt flout for your baking. Spelt flour is more convenient for usage, because some people may have mild allergies to wheat, but most recipes recommend the mixture of wheat and spelt flour.

You can substitute 1 cup and two tablespoons of spelt flour for every one cup of wheat flour. Whole wheat pastry flour is also using very commonly in recipes. It is up to your likening which one to use, although if you are using whole wheat pastry flour instead of just whole wheat one, your baked product will be less dense.

Rolled oats

There are many rolled oats recipes out there. Just remember that they add texture and extra fiber to the baked goods.


It is recommended for you to substitute all your oil in cocking and baking with applesauce. Instead of half the oil needed, you should use applesauce.

Ground flax meal

Omega 3 fatty acids, or lignan, are powerful anti oxidants, and as such, the fight free radicals in your body. Fiber and omega 3 fatty acids can be found in large quantities in flax. They also prevent various diseases and keep cholesterol level low. Most of health food stores sell ground flax meal, and you can try with whole flax seeds, too.

Fruit juice concentrate, honey and unrefined sugar

Those three are all very good substitute fro white sugar, and they are very healthy, as well. They have great nutritional value, especially honey.

Rice bran oil

This type of oil can be used in all cocking and baking in your kitchen, instead of normal oil. Rice bran oil have many health benefits, like it has no preservatives, reduce levels of cholesterol, have a high anti oxidant levels, etc.

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