Overview and the Causes
Acne are, most commonly, the natural disorder of one period in life, called puberty, they are the result of the hormonal changes which are normal for the puberty, and they are usually located on the facial skin. But, they can be also be the consequences of the inflammatory process of the skin glands and hair follicles and, therefore can appear on any area of the body which is covered with hair and could appear in any moment of the life.
Nevertheless, although they can be provoked by the outside factors and triggers, such as the poor hygiene of the facial skin and the polluted air, an individual can have the influence on certain factors of risk. For example, coping with the too much pressure using the calming-down techniques and leading a healthy lifestyle which means combining the workouts with the proper diet, can dramatically minimize the chances of getting acne, although even having the genetic predisposition for suffering from them.
The Diet Tips for AcneThe most important aspect of the battle against this skin condition is the eating aspect, since the acne are, in fact, the reaction, consequence and the reflection of the amount of the healthy and unhealthy substances in our organism, or, more specifically, the level of the fat in it.
So, it is recommendable to avoid all the foods prepared with a lot of oil, and instead of that, it is good to choose grilling and roasting as the healthier ways of preparing a lunch. However, it is always better to process the food as less as it is possible and to increase the consumption of the fruits, whole grains and vegetables, since that way all the beneficial nutrients are preserved, and the processes of metabolism and digestion are enhanced and, thus, the organism is cleansed from the inside. This is very important to remember, since the acne are often the consequence of the constipation and the poor digestion.
Apart from that, the highly processed fats (e.g. margarine) are extremely harmful. And, of course, the snacks and the fast foods are to be avoided, too.
And, finally, there are some remedies based on the herbs for dealing with this skin condition, and the most popular and effective are barberry and turmeric. And, they are the herbs which are both focused on balancing the functions of the gastrointestinal system, which are, as previously pointed out, tightly associated with the acne problem. They, for example, minimize the amount of the acidity in the digestive tract and help the process of digestion in general.
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