Kyphosis is a spinal deformity characterized by a bowing or rounding of the back. In mild cases the condition can be brought under control with a proper and well designed exercise program.
In the majority of people suffering from kyphosis the deformity affects the mid thoracic part of the spinal column. The neck may be affected as well. The deformity is closely related to different degenerative disease, osteoporosis, injuries to the back etc.
Exercises for Postural Kyphosis
Postural kyphosis is the mildest form of the deformity predominantly affecting adolescents. These people may benefit from exercises that strengthen the muscles trapezius and rhomboids.
Shoulder blade squeeze is an exercise performed in a sitting position. One is due to sit on a stool and tuck the chin to his/her chest. While keeping the chest high, he/she should draw the shoulder blades together and hold them in such position for a few seconds. This activity is then repeated.
Hamstring stretch is performed when a person is lying on his/her back and holding a rope/band wrapped around one foot. The other leg is kept stretched and is placed firmly on the mat, not moving. What follows is tightening of the strap and breathing out while lifting the leg high. This is performed until one feels a pull in the back of the upper thigh. Hold the leg in this position for a while and repeat the entire process.
Another exercise for kyphosis is reverse fly. It requires a lightweight set of dumbbells. One is supposed to sit of a stool, hold weights in his/her hands while maintaining the spine straight and abdominal muscles tight. The arms are lifted out to the shoulder level. The entire process is performed with bent elbows. The arms should never be higher than the shoulder level once they are lifted.
Exercises for Cervical Kyphosis
Cervical kyphosis, as the name suggests, affects the cervical spine. Patients suffering from this deformity may also benefit from exercises.
Stretches for cervical flexors are performed when the head is slowly brought down and forward and one tries to touch the chin to the chest. The head is after this bent backward. Lateral stretching is achieved in a similar manner but the head is from straight position slowly taken to the right and then towards the left. The right ear goes to the right shoulder and the left towards the left shoulder. Also head can be turner to the right and left while the chin remains parallel to the shoulders.
The previously mentioned exercises are supposed to be performed at least 3-4 times per week and each of them should be repeated 12 times.
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