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Sneezing is usually a normal thing,once it happens only occasionally. However, if the sneezing strikesone in a form of a long-lasting spree, there might be some healthproblems behind it. The story is the same if the sneezing remainspersistent even though it does not happen repeatedly during shortperiods of time. This is why people need not suffer from thisphenomenon since it can truly interfere with everyday activities,making one unable to concentrate, let alone perform well in whateverhe/she may be doing. Thus, the following lines will try to shed somelight upon this condition and suggest the best way of treating it.

Reasons behind Excessive Sneezing

Sneezing is a normal defense process ofour organism, where it tries to expel an irritant from itsrespiratory pathways. Namely, if a foreign particle of any kindreaches our nose, or some other parts of our respiratory system, ournerves notice it through the tiny hairs in our nose. These nervecenters end information to the brain which, in return, triggers amuscle contraction called sneezing. We know how sneezing looks like. The whole purpose of this unique action is getting rid of theunwanted particles from our organism.

Additionally, having a cold, flu, arunny nose or some respiratory infections can also result inexcessive sneezing. Certain allergies which involve allergens gettingin contact with our air pathways like pollen, dust, fumes or othersimilar do, almost always trigger excessive sneezing in people.

Interestingly, pregnant women, duringthe first trimester, tend to sneeze excessively. This is due to thegreat chemical changes affecting their body since it, itself, ischanging rapidly. Luckily, excessive sneezing in this condition isnothing to be afraid of or concerned about. Rather, it is normal,expected, and likely to cease after a couple of weeks.

Means of Precaution

If you tend to sneeze often, beprepared for it. This is due to the fact that excessive sneezing maycause back muscle strains, jaw dislocations or respiratory systeminjuries. Therefore, be careful and make sure you control yoursneezing as much as you can. Of course, once you start sneezing,cover your mouth with a handkerchief, avoiding spreading germs orinfections all around you, and providing yourself ease at the sametime.

Finally, if you're excessive sneezingremains persistent for a longer period of time, it is best to seekmedical assistance as soon as possible since, this way, you will betreated by a professional who will establish a proper diagnosis andprescribe the best treatment.

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