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Suffering from persistent headaches canbe quite difficult to bear. Thus people who are enduring thisproblem experience a lot of pain and discomfort, affecting theiroverall well-being and daily functioning. There are several differentcauses of persistent headaches, some of which are more dangerous thanthe others. All in all, people need to know what causes theirpersistent headaches in order to start the right treatment and getrid of these painful phenomena.

Reasons behind Persistent Headaches

If these headaches affect only one sideof your head, you might be suffering from migraines. A migraine is atype of a headache which can trouble people for days, even months,without ceasing. It causes strong pain which makes us sensitive tolight, noises and many other factors, which only increase the pain weexperience. Migraines can be caused by stress, malnutrition,environmental factors or hormonal imbalances.

These headaches may affect children aswell. Often, they are caused by carrying heavy school bags whichapply pressure on their neck area, affecting the spine and the bloodvessels, triggering headaches which last for a longer period of time.Alternatively, flu or a cold may be behind these headaches too.Finally, children can react to infections, stress, weather, eyestrain or direct head injuries through experiencing persistentheadaches.

Stress in general can cause persistentheadaches in all people. It makes people feel as if there was aweight placed upon their heads, causing pain and pressure in thearea.

Sinusitis, which is a conditioninvolving the inflammation of sinuses, small pathways in our facethrough which our mucus is delivered, can lead to these kinds ofheadaches as well. What is more, bending, or changing the position ofyour head rapidly, causes increase in pain regarding both theheadaches and the facial area.

Additionally, brain injury and brainswelling may both cause headaches which do not go away easily.

Finally, the pain may come and go,always appearing in the same spot, usually involving a single side ofyour head.

Possible Treatments

Now that you know the possible causes,logically, you need to treat them in order to have your troublesomeheadaches treated as well. The best choice is to visit a doctor andtell him/her about your symptoms. Leading an organized life, eatinghealthy, sleeping sufficiently and exercising regularly is bound tokeep your headaches at bay in 90% of the cases. However, you stillneed to be sure that something more serious is not behind yourheadaches. Thus, seeking medical assistance is the best possiblesolution.

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