People may suffer from wheezing chest under certain circumstances. This condition manifests through a production of a high pitched sound during our breathing sequence. Thus, as soon as you notice that this sound is persistent in your chest, you may have something to worry about, regarding your overall health. Wheezing in chest is, in most cases, caused by a narrowing of our air pathways. Therefore, something must be causing an obstruction in your respiratory system, resulting in this, specific, sound. However, there are many different causes, all possibly being related to this condition. So, you need to know about all the things which might be behind this problem, as well as all the manifestations of it, in order to know when and how to seek help, searching for an adequate treatment.
Manifestations of Wheezing in Chest
Some of the most common symptoms of this phenomenon are, of course, the specific, high pitched sound during inhaling and exhaling, shortness of breath and the feeling of tightness in the chest. Still, other symptoms may be present as well. These are fever, weakness in general, along with the overall chestpain.
Reasons behind Chest Pain
As soon as you notice the symptoms, there is a high likelihood that you are suffering from a respiratory disease of sorts. Some of these are asthma, bronchitis, allergies, tracheomalacia, bronchiolitis or even pneumonia. Therefore, lung infections may trigger the wheezing and so may cases of excessive mucus production or swellings due to inflammations in the area. All these happen once a patient starts suffering from the above mentioned diseases. Moreover, all these are bound to result in the previously mentioned symptoms. Additionally, asthma and allergies cause blockages in the respiratory pathways, producing wheezing subsequently. Finally, your wheezing problems may be related to a poor functioning heart which is incapable of getting all the fluid out of the lungs, due to the poor blood circulation.
Possible Treatment for Wheezing Chest
Since most of the symptoms and causes mentioned above are quite serious, you should not ignore them. Rather, upon noticing wheezing in your chest, you are advised to seek medical assistance immediately. Then, once your condition gets properly diagnosed, you will get the right treatment for the underlying cause of your problems. Naturally, asthma will require specific medications which are inhaled, providing a soothing effect to one's respiratory system. Antibiotics and antihistamines are administered to those who are suffering from bacterial or allergic problems. Finally, vaporizers and inhalators, along with the increased fluid intake, are all means of dealing with viral infections. The worst case scenarios involve staying in the hospital, allowing doctors to look further into your, more demanding, problems.
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