Bad When Overindulging, Bad WhenStopping
Numerous people around the world enjoy drinking coffee. While some choose to the drink this beverage because they enjoy the taste, others do it to boost their concentration and awareness. Caffeine is responsible for the latter trait of this beverage. This substance is found in tea, coffee and some other fruits or beans. It boosts our metabolism and heart rate, resulting in an increase in our perception and sharpness regarding attention and concentration. However, being a psychoactive substance, caffeine may easily cause an addiction. Namely, overuse of the above mentioned substance may lead to numerous side-effects including one's inability to stop consuming coffee or tea. Thus, upon excessive consumption, nausea, dizziness, bloated stomach, insomnia, headaches and many other symptoms may appear. What is more, if one decides to remove caffeine from his or her life after being addicted beforehand, numerous withdrawal symptoms are bound to take place. Therefore, it is bad to have too much caffeine in your system, and it is also bad to stop the intake of it abruptly.
Manifestations of Caffeine Withdrawal
If you decide not to drink coffee for more than 12 hours, stopping a routine of previously regular intake of this caffeinated beverage, you are bound to start experiencing some of the following troubles. Firstly, headaches are most likely to strike you, some more severe than others. Also, be prepared for nausea, depression, concentration issues, insomnia, restlessness and other symptoms. The worst case scenarios even involve vomiting and developing insomnia, as well as muscle stiffness. Moreover, the whole recovery period may last for 9 days, during which all of these withdrawal symptoms, and many more, are possible to strike.
How To Avoid the Withdrawal Symptoms?
The best means of prevention is to decrease your caffeine intake gradually, instead of making a clean break. This will diminish the symptoms greatly, and make your quitting much easier. Next, compensate for your caffeine losses with water. Drink lots of water, since this will ensure your organism's adequate cleansing and will expel this psychoactive substance out of it. Also, make sure you secure a regular vitamin and mineral intake through fruit and consumption. If the headaches strike and you are unable to cope with them, try taking some over-the-counter painkillers for relief.
Alternatively, exercise is great for body cleansing and recovery. It will speed up your blood circulation and increase your heart rate, thus making it easier for your organism to clean itself through blood, sweat and better urine and bowel movement regulation. Also, physical activity will help you cope with the withdrawal symptoms, making you stronger and fit, thereby less prone to them.
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