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Information on Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is also known as gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD, and it is a medical condition in which the acids used for the process of digestion get back to the esophagus and cause stomach irritation, belching and heartburn. Acid reflux can be prevented and treated by using numerous different types of methods, but one of the most important things for all those who suffer from this medical condition is to avoid certain food items which are known for causing or aggravating the acid reflux. This is very important because acid reflux may lead to esophageal cancer if left untreated for prolonged periods of time.

Foods That Cause Acid Reflux Symptoms

There are certain food items which cause the symptoms of acid reflux and they need to be avoided as much as possible. On the top of the list of such food types are spicy foods. They are very efficient in causing heartburn and esophageal irritation. Caffeine also needs to be avoided at all costs because it may aggravate the symptoms in some cases of acid reflux. Caffeine can be found in different popular types of foods and beverages such as soda, tea, coffee and chocolate. Numerous different types of citrus fruits are also known for causing acid reflux or aggravating the existing condition. This is mostly due to the presence of citric acid in such foods. Such food items include pineapples, grapefruits, oranges, lemons, and also tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce and ketchup. Onion and garlic are also on the list of the foods which are known for causing the symptoms of gastro esophageal reflux disease. Spearmint and peppermint, along with some other herbs from the mint family are also on the list of unwanted food items. Milk and numerous different types of dairy products such as cheese, cream and whole milk take prolong periods of time to be digested so they may also be affiliated with the occurrence of most acid reflux symptoms. Fatty foods and deep fried foods such as fries, cheese, hamburgers and pizzas are all on the list of unwanted food items as well. Prolonged consumption of alcohol on a regular basis may also be strongly connected to the medical condition known as acid reflux.

Foods to Eat if You Suffer from Acid Reflux

There are certain food items which are highly recommended for all those who suffer from acid reflux and those include fibrous foods, vegetables, lean meat, fruits, decaffeinated beverages and low fat dairy products.

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