Characteristics of Aspartame
Aspartame is a type of artificialsweetener, widely used in many different products like food, sweets,drinks and others. It was discovered accidentally and developed froman acid. Claimed to be an excellent substitute to the regular sugar,it is a substance used by numerous people desiring to avoid all theharmful effects of regular sugar consumption. However, since the veryappearance of aspartame, and it got officially a legal ingredient ofproducts in 1974, its influence on the human organism and thewell-being of people has been a matter of great dispute. Namely, somepeople claim that this sweetener is extremely dangerous for ourhealth, even causing death in the long run. On the other hand, othersconsider aspartame a completely healthy part of one's nutrition, withno controversy or other negative facts related to it. This articlewill try to go further into these claims and shed some light on themysterious aspartame.
What Does Aspartame Do?
First of all, the following facts wereall results of detailed researches carried out by professionals.Since, the main positive side of aspartame was its ability tosubstitute sugar and, thus, reduce a person's body weight, this factwas examined initially. However, the results were quite unexpected.Aspartame was proven to cause more sugar cravings with everyconsumption. Therefore, eating products with aspartame resulted in anincreased intake of calories, and, thereby and increase of bodyweight. What is more, a prolonged use of aspartame was proven tocause different types of cancer, brain tumors and some seriousdiseases such as multiple sclerosis, gastrointestinal problems,Alzheimer's disease etc.
Finally, excessive or prolonged intakeof aspartame can possibly cause mental retardation, by reducing brainfunctions. Also, pregnant women could jeopardize their child's lifeby consuming this substance in excess. It can cause irregularities inthe menstrual cycle as well, potentially leading to numerous otherproblems and complications.
Safe or Not, Then?
After the above mentioned researchesresulted in these frightening pieces of information, many other weredone either to confirm them, or prove them wrong.
Most of the results have shown thataspartame consumption has no greater benefits upon your well-being.Nevertheless, it also causes you no significant harm. Additionally,it is better than sugar in one respect. This is dental health, sinceaspartame causes no teeth decay, as does sugar.
Also, people who suffer fromPhenylketonuria should avoid aspartame at all costs. Their organismcannot deal with phenylalanine, which aspartame has in abundance.This being said, people suffering from this condition should neverconsume aspartame, or any products which contain it.
To conclude, you may take aspartameoccasionally. However, do not eat it too often, since larger amountsare bound to cause you problems.
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