Egg Allergy Characteristics
This is quite a common type of the food allergy, mostly present in small children. As the children in question grow older, the allergy is likely to disappear as well. However, before that happens, or does not happen, it is good to know how to notice the symptoms of this type of allergy in order to react timely and effectively. Namely, upon eating eggs or other types of food containing eggs, allergic people will have rashes appearing on their skin, breathing difficulties, vomiting or hives. There are also many other symptoms, but these are the main ones. The symptoms themselves may take place right after the consumption of eggs, or it may manifest several hours, even days, later. In cases of severe allergic reactions antihistamine medications are highly recommended. In worst case scenarios, when eggs trigger a shock or an attack of sorts, medical assistance is necessary. The doctors will then administer epinephrine to the troubled person.
How Does It Happen?
The main cause of egg allergy is the egg white. Moreover, the proteins inside of this part of the egg are the ones responsible for allergic reactions of this type. Children who are allergic to eggs will mostly express their dislike towards this type of food themselves. Upon eating, or even getting in contact with certain parts of this food, people with this allergy may experience some of the symptoms.
How Is One Diagnosed?
There is a specific test which helps the doctors realize if there is an allergic reaction to the above mentioned proteins in a person or not. Namely, this testing process involves inserting small amounts of the troublesome protein under the forearm skin of the patient. After this bite-like process, the doctor will wait and see if a reaction will take place. Depending on the severity or the very appearance of the reaction the type of allergy is diagnosed and adequate therapy is prescribed.
How To Live With This Allergy?
As far as infants are concerned, the mother will need to avoid eating eggs or products which contain raw or cooked eggs. This includes mayonnaise, margarine and similar products. Once the infant gets older, it is important not to feed it with any eggs or egg-based products. Avoid these so as not to trigger allergies in your child. As mentioned above, children usually stop being allergic to eggs after the age of three. Nevertheless, if the allergy remains persistent, the child will need to be extremely careful about his or her diet and have antihistamine medications and epinephrine shots always at hand.
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