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Can exercising improve the chest in women?

Even though many women find it much easier to undergo asurgery in order to improve the looks of their breast and chest area, the fact is that exercising can dowonders for this part of the female body and shape it in a much more naturalway. It might sound hard to believe, but there are exercises that can bring thedesired look of the chest area, although they do need to be performed in the rightway and the right posture and balance are also necessary. Some of them can evenbe done at home and with the help of dumbbells. What they do is lift the breastand chest muscles, strengthen them and lift the breast tissues, thus toningweak chest muscles and upper body at the same time.

Which exercises for chest should women do?

Before beginning with any exercise, it is of utmost importanceto stretch the muscles and areas that will be worked on, and in this case,those are upper chest area, inner and outer chest upper area and overall pecarea. As for the recommended exercises, those are bench press, pushups, inclineand decline bench press.

Incline push ups are done in the following position: facingdownwards, hands need to be shoulder-width apart or a little broader even, and onsomething strong and safe such as bench or desk, for example. Feet arehip-width apart and toes are on the floor. The body first lowers down to 4-8inches from the bench or desk, and then returns to the starting position.Ladies push ups can also be done if the person is at thebeginning stage, but it is important to perform them correctly, which meansthat the entire body needs to be aligned. Four sets are recommended, with 2minute pause between the sets.Decline chest press requires lying on the back on declinedbench with knees and feet in a comfortable position. Dumbbells should be in eachhand and they need to be lifted straight up with palms faced outwards. The positionshould be held for a few seconds, and then the person should return to the startingposition.Incline bench press is done on a 50 degree inclined bench. Theexercise consists of lowering the barbell to approximately one inch off theupper chest area, and then pushing it back up. Four sets of eight repetitionsare recommended.

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