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When going to a gym, the only things needed are the dedication and a good plan. At first, the plan is not needed at least until a person knows exactly what muscle groups needs to be focused on with exercises. It is not easy to exercise properly because not only gym is required for creating the best results. It seems that going to a gym and using some sort of a diet, or at least healthy eating, go hand in hand. Combining those two properly will net the best results.


Muscle groups that are usually worked out are torso (front with chest and abdominal area and back with lat muscle as the biggest in the area), arms and legs. While some muscles are easily built and pumped, there might be problems with some other. For example, results with arms come easily because arms are almost always used. They can be working while doing some completely different muscle group, but abs and the chest area can be problematic. Abdominal muscles can quickly become strong, that is true, but being able to see those muscles is something that needs an additional effort in the fat elimination process.

There are several tactics and strategies when it comes to performing the best chest exercises for the mass. Some say that a combination of incline barbell bench press, flat bench press and cable flies is the best for making the best out of the chest area. Those are basic, simple exercises, but actually, nothing more is required. Number of sets for the first two exercises should be 3 with the reps set at 8 or 10. Cable flies needs not more than 2 sets, with 12 reps. Only three exercises with not many reps and sets create a short, but very hard and intensive workout, which should increase the chest mass easily.

If there is some excessive fat present, it should be eliminated, which can be done with cardio exercises and dieting. Push ups are also recommended in all forms.


Of course, it is important to eat properly, to take a lot of proteins since they are essential when building muscle mass. Fats and carbs should be reduced, but not drastically. Healthy fats in the form of olive oil are welcomed, while carbs still present the best energy source for us. Good plan with the intensive workout and healthy meals is all that is needed for creating a strong and beautiful body. Other than those two, only dedication should be present.

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