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Treatment of viral infections in children

Treatment of viral infections in children

Children with Viral InfectionMeasles, mumps, and chicken pox are viral infections characteristic of childhood. They tend to be fairly uncomfortable but only in rare cases do they develop into serious...

Euthanasia pros and cons

Euthanasia pros and cons

Euthanasia has been a matter of dispute since the moment it started existing as an option. The name itself comes from Greek 'eu' which means 'good' and 'thanasia' which stands...

Euthanasia facts and figures

Euthanasia facts and figures

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, in 400 BC claimed that he will not suggest or give any deadly medicine to anyone. From that time onward many things have changed...

Emergency contraception dangers

Emergency contraception dangers

Morning after pillEvery woman in the world has heard of a morning after pill or emergency contraception. This particular pill is used by women when they do not want to...

Management of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Management of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Management of postmenopausal osteoporosis and osteopaeniaThere are not that many people in the world who have never heard of osteoporosis or do not know that it is a condition of...

Effects of vision impairment in children

Effects of vision impairment in children

Children with Sight ProblemThere are four acknowledged levels of visual function in anyperson and those include normal vision, moderate visual impairment, severevisual impairment and blindness. When it comes to the...

Benign genital warts

Benign genital warts

Genital warts, or condyloma acuminata, are benign proliferations of the skin and mucosa in the genital and anal area of the body. They are caused by human papillomavirus, mainly transmitted...

Information about Otitis Media in children

Information about Otitis Media in children

Otitis media, medically known as inflammation of the middle ear, is a condition that predominantly affects children. Interestingly enough, approximately 50% of infants develop an ear infection at least once...

Drug abuse in pregnant women

Drug abuse in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a very special period in a life of every woman. When a woman is pregnant, she shares everything with her unborn baby. Everything a woman eats, breathes and...

Epilepsy during pregnancy

Epilepsy during pregnancy

In the past, women who had been diagnosed with epilepsy were generally discouraged from becoming pregnant and having children. Fortunately, today that is no longer the case. With proper care...