CandidaCleanse Diet
Thecandida fungus that causes yeast infections thrives on sugar becauseit is a type of yeast. Generally, diets rich in sugar should beavoided as they will nourish the candida and cause it to spreadthrough the digestive tract, causing all kinds of health issues.Below are the suggested foods to eat to help flush the candida fungusout of one's system.
Almostevery vegetable is recommended to help get rid of a candidainfestation. Certain vegetables that contain a lot of sugar, likecarrots, tomatoes and potatoes, should be avoided, however. Leafygreen ones are the most preferable and vegetables like asparagus,onion and broccoli can also be beneficial.
Themost important thing is to try to include vegetables in each andevery meal, even if the vegetable content is just a base for a stewor so. Raw vegetables are another option, although some people havedifficulty digesting raw ones. Steaming the vegetables ensures thatall the flavour is kept in, but the vegetable is sufficiently cookedand can be digested normally. If eating vegetables proves difficult,juicing them is another viable option to be explored.
Expertsare divided on how much fruit should be consumed during a candidacleanse diet. Some will say to eat no fruit at all and steer clear ofthem, while others will advise consuming as much fruit as possible.Moderation is probably the best option in this case.
Somefruits contain high levels of fruit sugars, called fructose. Asmentioned above, sugars only feed a candida infection, so avoid thesefruits at all costs. However, other fruits contain very little sugarand may actually benefit a candida infection sufferer. The fruitsthat are mostly recommended are limes and lemons due to their low amount of sugar and due to the benefit they provide to the liver'sfunctioning.
Animportant point is that fruits should be consumed while the stomachis empty. When digested along with other food, fermentation ispromoted in the digestive tract, creating sugars and feeding thefungus.
Meatsthat are relatively low in fat can be beneficial, especially if theyare organic. The hormones that are typically introduced intonon-organic meats form a problem when trying to get rid of candida.Processed meats and pig meat are not advised, although no meat isactually required for the diet to work, so vegetarians and vegansshould have no problems.
Wholegrains are also appropriate for this diet, although grains should bevery much restricted for the first few weeks of this diet. A maximumof two to three servings of grains each day is advised whilefollowing the diet.
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