Yeast infection
Yeast infection is one of the most common infectionsin the humans. It is caused by fungi, especially by the fungus called CandidaAlbicans. This fungus resides normally in the digestive tract and is controlledby the friendly bacteria and the body’s immune system. However, due to various reasons, the overproductionof the fungus is triggered thus causing a yeast infection. The warm and dampareas in the body, such as mouth, vagina and the rectum as well as the skin,are susceptible to the yeast infection.
The most common cause for the occurrence of a yeastinfection is the prolonged use of antibiotics that kill the good bacteriaalong with bad bacteria in the body. Other factors that trigger a yeastinfection include consummation of contraceptive pills, chemotherapy and sugaryfoods, as well as stress. The people whose immune system is weak are prone tothe development of a yeast infection.
The yeast infection usually causes many healthproblems, such as digestive problems, recurring yeast infection, fatigue,depression and mood swings, as well as headaches and joint pain. Therefore, itshould be immediately treated when the symptoms of it are noticed. The yeast infection can be oral or genital. Oral thrushoccurs in the mouth and can spread to the throat. The genital yeast infectionmay be vaginal or penile, since it can affect both sexes. Furthermore, yeastinfection can appear on the fingernails, as well as on the toenails. When theyeast travels through the blood, it can affect the lungs, as well as the kidneys.
Yeast diet
Yeast diet or Candida diet is recommended tonaturally cure the yeast infection. This diet combines certain dietary restrictionswith anti-fungal supplements. This type of diet excludes the consummation of thefoods that contain sugar and yeast in order to prevent further overgrowthof Candida Albicans. The foods rich in yeast are mushrooms, pickles andvinegar, for example. Furthermore, fruits, nuts, berries, fermented andprocessed foods are also prohibited by yeast diet. Candida diet also restricts theintake of alcohol and grains. Moreover, cottage cheese, as well as all legumes shouldbe avoided when suffering from yeast infection. On the other side, the eating ofvegetables is highly recommended. The people who suffer from yeast infection shouldtake anti-fungal supplements in order to restore the balance between thefriendly bacteria and Candia in the intestines. Yeast diet minimally lasts for three weeks, though in somesevere cases, it is even permanent.
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