Candida is a persistent fungus that causes an infection that is sometimes difficult to treat and requires a lot of time. This infection is treated with conventional medicine, using antifungal medication, but it is also very important to adopt a certain lifestyle, that includes a specific diet.
Candida diet
After they prescribe appropriate medication for treating a candida infection, most doctors recommend to their patients to follow a specific diet, and it usually needs to be followed for a longer period, until the infection is completely cleared.
Candida diet prohibits any carbohydrates, sugars and fats, because the fungus feeds on this foods and it is only logical they should be avoided. Aside from its effects on candida, this diet is also beneficial for the overall health. A person who is on this diet will soon notice sparkly eyes, clear skin, weight loss, more energy, and it will also help with the cholesterol, blood pressure, sugar levels in blood and depression.
This diet works by simply starving the fungus to death. At first it may cause flu-like symptoms, which is normal and it is caused by the toxins that are being expelled from the body.
Candida diet breakfast
The ideal candida diet breakfast should comprise of eggs with bacon, steak, ham or chicken, followed by fresh fruit and vegetables like grapefruit, green apples, lemons, fresh carrots and vegetable juices.
Chicken salad, yogurt and raw nuts are also allowed. Cereals are allowed only if they are whole-grain, preferably bran, and with almond milk. Quinoa pancakes, chicken soup, pea soup and lentil soup are great for those who enjoy a bowl of soup in the morning.
Since sugar is not allowed in this diet, the breakfast can be sweetened with stevia, which is an all-natural sweetener, or with xylitol. Sea salt and inulin are also recommended.
Some of the great breakfast ideas for people who follow candida diet include berry yogurt parfait, rice pudding and sprouted grain bread with nut butter. Yogurt should be plain and low-fat, and the fruit can be used in the frozen form if the fresh is not available.
It is highly recommended to drink herbal tea, and if any fats must be used, they should include only extra virgin olive oil and cold pressed sunflower oil.
Foods that are not allowed for breakfast during candida diet are pickled, processed or smoked meats, fish, white flour, sugar, cheese, melons, grapes, bruised or moldy fruit, honey, mushrooms, peanuts and peanut butter.
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