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Yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. This fungus normally exists in the human body without causing health problems. In certain situations, the fungus overgrows and causes an infection. The infection can also be passed from one person to another.


Candida yeast infection or candidiasis can affect the genital area, the mouth or the skin. When it affects the mouth, it is called oral thrush. Diaper rash is another form of candidiasis, often seen in babies.

Candidiasis is treated with anti-fungal medications, usually topical. Oral medication is prescribed for extensive, severe or persistent infections. Other that this standard form of treatment, special candida diet can be applied in order to speed up the recovery and to boost the effect of the medications.

Candida diet – Foods to eat

In candida diet, foods that should be consumed in increased amounts are those that are generally known for boosting the immune system. If the immune system is strong, the body will be more able to resist the infection and to control the overgrowth of the fungus.

It is recommended to drink plenty of fresh, plain water. It will prevent dehydration, clear the skin and promote waste elimination. Herbal teas are also recommended, but fruit juices should be avoided because they contain natural sugars, which should be avoided until the infection clears.

Non-starchy vegetables are highly recommended, especially if raw. Salads should be an important part of candida diet, with very light or no dressing. Fish is also recommended, especially salmon and tuna.

Protein-rich foods, such as lean meat and poultry, are also necessary, since protein helps regulate the levels of sugar in the blood.

Finally, one of the most beneficial foods for curing a candida infections is yogurt, but not just any yogurt - it should be plain, sugar-free and enriched with beneficial bacterial cultures.

Candida diet – Foods to avoid

There are foods that actually promote the growth and the multiplication of the fungus. Needless to say, such foods should be avoided. They include foods based on yeast and sugar in any form. This includes fruit, because it contains natural sugars. The reason why sugar is banned from candida diet is that the fungus feeds on it and requires it for growth and multiplication.

Other foods to be avoided include foods high in carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice and cereals, coffee, chocolate, sodas and alcohol.

These foods should be avoided until the infection clears off completely. After that it is safe to return to normal eating.

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