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Information on Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt may not be the most popular type of dessert,but it is still enjoyed by many who consider it to be a very healthyalternative to ice cream. Some of them may not know that even frozen yogurtcontains significant amounts of calories, so it should not be consumed by thosewho are trying to lose excess weight. Those who have a sweet tooth but stilldesperately cling to a weight loss program may opt for unflavored, fat-freeversions of frozen yogurt. Many manufacturers claim that their products arefat-free, but still one must always be sure, and check the sugar content ineach product before consumption. Quite often, those fat-free yogurts are servedwith chocolate chips or other sorts of toppings, which means that they are notthat fat-free at all. An ounce of frozen yogurt usually contains somewhere between25 and 30 calories. This definitely makes it a healthier choice than ice cream.

Frozen Yogurt Calorie Content

A regular small scoop of frozen yogurt contains 74 calories,a medium scoop of frozen yogurt contains 110 calories, a large scoop of frozenyogurt contains 147 calories, while a cup of frozen yogurt may contain up to221 calories. A regular small scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt contains 72calories, a medium scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt contains 107 calories, alarge scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt contains 142 calories, while a cup of low-fatfrozen yogurt may contain up to 214 calories. A regular small scoop of non-fat frozenyogurt contains 55 calories, a medium scoop of non-fat frozen yogurt contains82 calories, a large scoop of non-fat frozen yogurt contains 142 calories,while a cup of non-fat frozen yogurt may contain up to 164 calories. A mediumfrozen yogurt cone contains 99 calories, while a large frozen yogurt cone maycontain up to 227 calories.

It is easy to conclude that low-fat frozen yogurt containsinsignificantly less calories than its regular counterpart. The non-fat versionof frozen yogurt is a much healthier option, then. When consumed in a wafflecone, frozen yogurt contains plenty of calories because the cone itselfprovides a significant amount of calories. Frozen yogurt is an excellent sourceof carbohydrates and it still contains less fat than ice cream. Frozen yogurtis also a remarkable source of calcium, which may be an important feature forsome people. It is also an excellent choice for all those who suffer from poordigestion, lactose intolerance and diabetes.

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