Information on Asparagus
Asparagus is a plant which comes from the family of lilies,just like garlic and onion. Its botanical name is asparagus officinalis whichis derived from the Greek word aspharagos which stands for sprout. It is aperennial herbaceous vegetable which originates from northern Africa, westernAsia and Europe. It has been used for numerous different types of medicinal andculinary purposes ever since the times of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.Nowadays it is cultivated everywhere around the world because there is a largedemand for its high nutritional values. It can be served as a vegetable or asan appetizer and it can be added to numerous sorts of stew and soup recipes. Itcan also be stir fried, pickled, steamed, grilled or boiled.
Asparagus Nutrition Facts
Asparagus is an excellent source of folic acid, potassium,dietary fibers, antioxidants and various different sorts of vitamins andessential minerals. Asparagus is can be very efficient in preventing birthdefects, cancer, anemia, stroke and heart diseases. Folic acid from the asparagusis important for the RNA and DNA in the human body and it also enhancesdifferent biological reactions in the body. It can also come in very handy whenit comes to preventing certain medical conditions affiliated with the fetaldevelopment such as malformation of spine, limb defects, malformation of skulland brain, urinary tract anomalies, congenital heart defect and cleft lips.
Folic acid is also important for the prevention of anemia and the propermetabolism of homocysteine. Asparagus can also come in very handy in reducingthe appetite, enhancing the satiety, maintaining proper bowel movement andaiding the overall process of digestion due to its high content of dietaryfibers.
It is also very efficient in balancing the intestinal pH, extracting thenutrients from the food, lowering the levels of sugar in the blood, decreasingthe levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterolin the blood. Since it contains high amounts of potassium, asparagus isimportant for numerous neurological functions, regulation of blood pressure andproper contractions of all different types of muscles.
Asparagus is jam packedwith different kinds of antioxidants which means that it is very helpful infighting the free radicals, detoxifying the body and slowing down the processof aging. Asparagus is also known for its very potent diuretic properties whichcome in very handy in prevention and treatment of kidney diseases, livercirrhosis and several other severe medical conditions.
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