Information on Radicchio
Radicchio is a red leafy type of vegetable and it originatesfrom Italy, so that is why it is also sometimes referred to as the Italianchicory. It is used for various types of salads because of its spicy and bittertaste. It can also be roasted, grilled or sauteed. Visually, it can becharacterized by large red leaves with white veins. There are also certainvarieties of chicory which are grown because of their roots so that they can beground and used as a healthier alternative for coffee. There are 19 differentvarieties of radicchio and all of them are named after the Italian region from whichthey come from. The most popular radicchio is known by the name of radicchio diChioggia. Other common varieties include Treviso, Gorizia, Castelfranco andTardivo. Radicchio became very popular in the United States during the 1980sbecause of its high nutritional value.
Radicchio Nutritional Information
Radicchio is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins,dietary fiber and all other sorts of essential nutrients. It is jam packed withantioxidant substances and it does not contain any cholesterol or fats. Aserving of 100 grams of radicchio contains 23 calories, 0.9 micrograms ofselenium, 4.5 grams of carbohydrates, 13 milligrams of selenium, 1 gram ofsugar, 40 milligrams of phosphorus, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 302 milligrams ofpotassium, 1.5 grams of protein, 19 milligrams of calcium, 27 InternationalUnits of vitamin A, 8 milligrams of vitamin C, 255 micrograms of vitamin K, 2.3milligrams of vitamin E and 60 micrograms of folic acid.
Uses and Benefits
Radicchio can be incorporated into any diet and provide thehuman body with the numerous health benefits. The most common way of consuming radicchiois in the form of salad. Radicchio can even be grown in a home garden. Forthose who do not like the taste of fresh radicchio it can be spiced up withbalsamic vinegar, cheese, olive oil, butter, honey, anchovies, lemon, garlic orbacon. Belgian endive can also be used as a substitute for radicchio innumerous different kinds of recipes. Radicchio is very efficient in toning theliver and purifying the blood, due to its potent antioxidant properties. It canalso come in very handy for all those who suffer from insomnia. Radicchio as weknow it nowadays has been developed at the end of the nineteenth century as oneof the healthiest leafy vegetables known to man.
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