The Tricep Dips Exercise
Amongst themany methods and exercises for toning the hands, tricep dips are some of themost effective, with a wide variety of variations. These dips assist in toningthe tricep muscles by making use of the person’s own body weight forresistance. The exercise does not require any machines or weights, and itactively engages other muscle groups such as the shoulder, abs and backmuscles. For this reason, and its relativeease of operation, this exercise is considered one of the more appropriate forpeople who frequently change location. Tricep dips function by toning theTricep muscles. Tricep muscles are located on the back of the upper arm, alocation notoriously difficult to work out and tone, especially when concerning women.
How to perform Tricep Dips
TricepDips, as mentioned before, need not be performed in a gym or similarenvironment. They are a compound exercise that is not recommended for personswith shoulder problems. Doing the Tricep Dips requires a sturdy bench or chairthat can hold your full body weight.
Theexercise itself is performed by standing, back turned, to the chair. Handsshould be placed on the chair, palms down and forward facing knuckles, spacedlittle less than the shoulder width. Theknees should then be bent at a 90 degree angle, as well as the elbows, whilelowering the body and exhaling. The arms should then be straightened, whileinhaling, as the body is pushed back up.
Thisexercise must be repeated 10 to 12 times, with 2 to 3 sets being therecommended number for full effect. Note that the difficulty will increase whennearing the final repetitions, but patience is advised. It is of importance that sufficient time istaken between sets of exercise, with a minute or two usually providing enoughrespite. The correct amount of time for performing Tricep Dips is two to threetimes a week. A rest time is suggested after two days, to give the muscles achance to fully regenerate. To avoidinjury but retain exercise effectiveness, it is advised to work the musclesuntil they are fatigued, but one should avoid pain. To increase intensity the appropriatemethod includes propping the feet on a bench or chair, or an addition ofweights on a dip around the waist. Notable safety tips include keeping theshoulders down and away from the ears, keeping the hips closer to the bench orchair, as well as the obligatory warm up session before attempting any exercise.
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