Yeast infection
Yeast infection is an infection caused by the fungus that is naturally present in our body in the gastrointestinal tract. It can occur in men as well as in women, although women are ore susceptible to this infection. When the fungus is kept under control, it is not dangerous and usually is harmless. However, under certain circumstance it can overproduce and cause several serious complications. Yeast infection can be oral and can occur in the area of mouth, or it can be genital and then it occur in the region of vagina or penis.
It is very important to treat this infection promptly in the earlier stages when the symptoms are mild. In the early stages, it is easily curable, while, when it is severe, certain drugs must be used and the infection may be recurrent. The most common symptoms of the vaginal yeast infection are vaginal itching, burning sensation in the vagina and heavy vaginal discharge. In order to treat this kind of infection, it is very important to know what caused it.
Causes of yeast infection
The main cause for the occurrence of the yeast infection is multiplication of the above mentioned fungus called Candida albicans. Because of that the other name for this infection is candidiasis. Besides the fungus, there are several other reasons that may be responsible for the appearance of yeast infection. A weak immune system may also trigger the overproduction of the bacteria in the body. Weak immune system occurs in the case when a person is under stress, or works too much, or sleeps very little. Stress is one of the main reasons for the recurring yeast infections.
The vaginal yeast infection may be also caused due to the hormonal changes at the end of a menstruation. Furthermore, contraceptive pills may also trigger it. Many pregnant women get this type of infection. The yeast infection can be also transmitted through sexual intercourse when the partners do not use protection, such as condoms. The fungus passes from one partner to the other through semen or other fluids of the body. It is also proven that the use of antibiotics can cause vaginal yeast infection. Moreover, diabetic women usually have recurring yeast infections and it occurs because the glucose levels are high and high sugar may trigger the overproduction of the fungus Candida albicans.
There are many conditions that may contribute to the development of the yeast infections, although they are not the primary reasons, and some of them are poor diet, tight clothing, frequent exposure to sperm and semen over a short period of time, poor personal hygiene, as well as menopause, HIV infection and allergic infections.
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