Yeast infection
The human body is prone to many infections that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or other pathogens. One of the most common infections is yeast infection caused by a fungus called Candida. There are many types of the Candida, but the most common is Candida albicans. This fungus can be found in out gastrointestinal tract, usually in the intestines, and in the warm and moist areas of the body. When the fungus overproduces itself due to many reasons, a yeast infection appears. Yeast infection can appear in women, as well as in men, and it can be oral and genital (vaginal or penile). Yeast infection is also called thrush or candidiasis. When yeast infection occurs in the mouth, it can spread to the throat, which is the case when white lesions usually appear.
Causes of throat yeast infection
One of the most common causes for the spreading of oral yeast infection to the throat is a weak immune system. Since the children's immune system is weaker than the adults’ immune system, this condition is more frequent in infants and children than in older population. However, there are also adults with a weak immune system, especially those people who have HIV/AIDS. Because of that, they may suffer from recurring yeast infection. Since the yeast eats sugar, those people with diabetes and hyperglycemia are prone to develop throat yeast infection. Other causes for this condition are taking steroid drugs and chemotherapy.
However, in the majority of cases, the consummation of the antibiotics is the main cause for the occurrence of yeast infection. The yeast is controlled by the good bacteria in the body. When one uses antibiotics, they tend to kill the bacteria in the body and in such way, the good bacteria are also eliminated and the yeast is not controlled any more. Thus, the yeast starts to multiply and the yeast infection occurs.
Symptoms of throat yeast infection
When the yeast infection spreads to the throat, the first symptoms appear in the form of white or yellowish slightly raised lesions in the throat, inner cheeks, palate and tongue. The lesions can be painful and sometimes even bleeding can occur. The people who develop throat yeast infection may also experience pain and difficulty while swallowing foods, as well as soreness in the throat. Sometimes, fever, vomiting and cold hands and feet, as well as upset stomach may appear as the symptoms of this condition.
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