Only women who have had yeast infection can tell how bothersome can the symptoms of this condition be. Constant itching and burning that progressively get worse are the reason why sufferers are willing to try any remedy that can provide relief.
Causes of Yeast Infection
Yeast infection is very common condition that affects as many as 3 out of 4 women at some point of their lives. Yeast infection develops due to disruption in the pH balance in the vagina that leads to overgrowth of yeast. It is most commonly caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Therefore, this condition is often referred to as vaginal Candidiasis.
Women can get yeast infection due to several reasons. Use of antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs and birth control pills are common causes of yeast infection in women.
Diabetes, pregnancy and use of douches and soaps can also contribute to development of the infection.
Yeast infection is not considered to be sexually transmitted disease although it can be contracted during sexual contact with an infected partner.
Symptoms of Yeast InfectionYeast infection is typically followed by increase in vaginal discharge. The discharge is thick, white and odorless with cottage cheese appearance. Burning sensation may be present with intercourse or urination. Itching and irritation of the vaginal area are common too. Yeast infection can also cause redness, soreness and swelling of the vulva.
Tips to Manage Yeast InfectionOnce yeast infection is diagnosed, the treatment should start as early as possible to relieve troublesome symptoms. There are different treatment options for yeast infections. This includes over-the-counter antifungal topical medications that can help to get rid of the infection is several days. In more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe oral medications.
For sexually active women it is important that their partners are treated as well in order to prevent recurrence of the infection. Or, alternatively, partner of an infected woman should use condoms during sexual intercourse.
Women that frequently have yeast infection should identify the exact cause of the problem. This can help to avoid the triggers. For example, if you suspect new bubble bath or laundry soap are the culprits, change them. Also, if you started using condoms with spermicide it can be the reason for appearance if the infection. In fact, anything that you have recently started to use may be the possible cause.
You can introduce simple lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of yeast infection. Avoid wearing tight and synthetic clothing and underwear because that keeps moisture and warmth thus creating perfect environment for the yeast to grow.
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