Yeast infection, thrush or candidiasis is a condition that can appear in the men, as well as in women. It can be oral and genital. Vaginal yeast infection is very frequent in women. Many studies showed that even 75% of the female population gets this infection at least once in their lives. The main cause of the yeast infection is the fungus called Candida albicans. The vaginal canal is a very good environment for the overproduction of this fungus.
When the women reach menopause, the estrogen is not produced any more and therefore, the vaginal walls become thinner, which is a reason more why the women in this period are at high risk to develop vaginal yeast infection. The most common causes for the overproduction of Candida are taking various antibiotics, birth control pills and steroids. Furthermore, those women who suffer from diabetes and disorders that are connected with pregnancy are susceptible to the yeast infections. Vaginal yeast infections should be treated promptly in order to avoid serious health consequences. Typical vaginal yeast infection complications are pelvic inflammatory disease, fallopian tube scars and the infertility. When a pregnant woman has this infection, it can lead to a premature delivery or the baby may have low body weight.
The most common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are vaginal discharge, which is heavy and cheese-like. Furthermore, the women suffering from this condition can feel burning sensation and itching in the vaginal region. Many women may also experience discomfort when urinating, as well as painful sexual intercourse. The women with the weak immune system, as well as those women who consume unhealthy diet poor in healthy nutrients, are prone to develop vaginal yeast infection.
Treatment of vaginal yeast infection
It is important to visit a doctor when the symptoms of this condition are noticed. Meanwhile, there are certain things that every woman should do at home. First of all, the vagina should be kept dry and clean because the moistness is a very good environment for the fungi. Furthermore, it is recommended to avoid many vaginal irritants, such as various sprays, douches and bubble baths. Women with this infection should wear only loose cotton underwear and more frequently change pads or tampons. Moreover, antibiotics should not be consumed, as well as high amounts of sugar.
Many doctors usually prescribe antifungal medicines, such as butoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin, tioconazole and terconazole. There are many medications that can be inserted into the vagina. Many specialists recommend, for example, that a woman with vaginal yeast infection should soak a tampon with plain and sugarless yogurt and insert it into the vagina.
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