Yet Another Misconception
There are many folk tales which peopletake seriously and often either suffer because of following theirinstructions or experience no effect whatsoever once they decideto apply the teachings of these.
One of the oldest examples is combiningcaffeine with alcohol, in order to suppress the latter. Surely, thereis certain logic behind it and people think that caffeine, being astimulant, is capable of getting you out of the state alcohol usually puts you in.
However, the combination of the twowill never bring you any good. Coffee and alcohol do not rule eachother out. Rather, in some cases, this combination can be quite wrongand may lead to further complications regarding the intoxicated statea person is in.
Do Not Drink Alcohol and Coffee
Since, in order for alcohol to get outof one's system, he/she needs to stay away from it for some time, inorder for the body to eject it through the skin, excrements and otherbodily processes. Therefore,drinking coffee while drunk can give you a false illusion of beingsober, even though all the alcohol is still circulating through your body.This can lead to false assumption that a person is capable of, for example,driving a car, even though he/she is not.
Naturally, such mistakes andmisconceptions may easily lead to accidents. The only thing thatchanges in your organism once you drink caffeine is awareness whichraises in your drunk state. Therefore, there is still alcohol in yourblood stream, your motor skills are still impaired, along with yourjudgment, regardless of the fact that you might not feel this way.
Since caffeine is dangerous to be mixedwith many drugs someone might be taking in order to treat a heartproblem, you need to be careful in this respect as well. Moreover,you should never mix alcohol, caffeine and drugs as this canlead to many problems.
Therefore, combining alcohol withcaffeine is a bad choice and should not be done. Numerousscientific researches have dealt with this problem and came to thesame conclusion. Caffeine in one's body, after excessive alcoholconsumption, does not make him/her sober. Rather, it makes him/herfalsely aware and misleads a person into taking dangerous, even life-threatening, actions due to this counter-productive self confidence.
Also, when alcohol is already presentin the body, caffeine stays in your system longer and is harder to be expelled.
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