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It Came from the Air

There are many people who are allergic to certain things which are a part of our air. This could be pollen, certain bacteria, pollution or chemicals, even fragrances we use in our cosmetics. Some of these, if we have allergies, are interpreted as dangerous by our organism, and it gives its best in order to fight them off, triggering the symptoms of an allergy.

However, even though this is so, and many people know that they are allergic to certain substances, they still continue exposing themselves to these. This, of course, is bad and these people need to become more aware about their own organism and the world behind them, learning how to cope with allergiesbetter.

Usually, these allergies take place during a specific season, like spring. Then, you need to be prepared and know what to avoid if you are to stay healthy and free from all the potentially harmful allergens which will make you suffer.

How To Avoid Allergies

Amazingly, contrary to popular belief, many chemicals used in households are incredibly rich in irritants and potential allergens. Therefore, you need to be careful when using cleaners for your floors, dust, clothes and many other things. Many of these contain ammonia, which is a well known irritant for the skin and eyes, causing problems to you, your family and even your pets. The best way of getting around this problem, since you need to stay clean and clean your environment regularly, is to make your own cleaner by following the instructions mentioned below.

One of the best combination for these purposes is baking soda, mixed with vinegar and lemon. Here, lemon is an excellent cleaner and disinfectant, also being a bearer of the famous fresh scent. Also, baking soda is abrasive and helps cleaning, creating a detergent which will neutralize the smell of vinegar while preserving all of its cleaning efficiency. Therefore, this is the best combination you can use for cleaning your household.

For getting rid of soap scum, use a mixture of baking soda, two tablespoons of lemon juice and a single one of dish soap. Use this in your bathroom, keeping it clean andbright.

As far as glass cleaning is concerned, taking a spray bottle, half filled with water and adding lemon juice as well as filling the other half with vinegar, adding a bit of a dish soap. On the other hand, olive oil is best for cleaning all wooden surfaces.

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