Biting Insects Are All Around UsThere are numerous types of insects which can bite and usually do once they feel threatened by our presence. On the other hand, there are those which bite us in order to suck our blood. Either way, we can be bitten for various different reasons by many different kinds of insects. Some of the most common insect bites are delivered by mosquitoes, hornets, fire ants, caterpillars and many others. Usually, once we get bitten, we experience redness, pain, swelling and discomfort on and around the spot. Alternatively, all these symptoms may come and go or escalate into being more serious and demanding immediate medical assistance due to allergic reactions and other complications. Thus, you have to be prepared and know how to treat different kinds of insect bites.
What to Do When You Get Bitten?
The first biting pests on this list are fire ants. Logically, fire ants got their name because of their burning bites. Once you get bitten by this insect, you are bound to face swelling, serious pain and a lot of irritation. What you need to do in these situations is to clean the spot with warm water and soap. Then, you may soothe the pain and calm the irritation by applying ice, Hydrocortisone creams, crushed Aspirins, fresh onion slices and many other creams and gels made for these purposes, which are easily available in a drugstore. However, if the symptoms get out of hand, you may need to call your doctor.
If a caterpillar bites you, you can feel pain and have skin irritations as well. Then, remove the caterpillar hair by scrubbing the spot with your own hair or a sharp blade. Afterwards, apply ice, baking soda or quick lime in order to treat the wound.
Mosquito and bed bug bites are treated by washing the spot with warm water and soap, applying clary sage, lavender or tea tree leaves in order to remove all the uncomfortable skin reactions. If the irritation becomes unbearable, use anti-inflammatory or anti-itch products topically.
Once a bee stings you, you should remove the stinger before anything else. Then, wash the area with soap, calm it with ice or Calamine lotion. Naturally, if you start experiencing some allergic reactions, seek medical assistance. Ice is very useful when you get stung by a wasp too. In these cases, using lemon solution or vinegar can help, along with the Calamine lotion mentioned above.
Finally, the worst case scenario, where bites are concerned is being stung by a yellow jacket. Then, prepare for a lot of pain, remove the stinger immediately, by using a sharp edge of sorts, and clean the wound before applying ice for comfort. Afterwards, you might apply baking soda paste, take some aspirin or painkillers, or apply clay mixed with water topically.
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