Lemonade Diet
This diet takes a short amount of time and it is used for cleaning the human body of toxins. It is very similar to the juice fast. This diet usually takes from 10 to 40 days to complete. During this period, only lemonade is consumed. All the nutrients and energy will have to be acquired form lemon juice. The lemonade needs to be made from the fresh lemon, cayenne pepper, grade-B maple syrup and purified water. During this diet, every evening you will have to take laxative tea and every morning salt water flush. The peppermint tea and pure and non-fluoridated water are only beverages permitted. When this diet is ending, a strict regimen must be followed. In the beginning, for the first 36 hours, person can only drink fresh squeezed citrus juice. After this period, the raw vegetables will be slowly introduced into the nutrition, along with the fruits. After this, we will move on the cooked vegetables, which will occur in the three to five days following the end of this diet.
Resting the digestive tract is the main function of this diet. It will also burn fat, eliminate toxins and cleanse the whole body system. This very strict diet will contribute to the weight loss, but it involves a very serious change in eating habits. Before taking this diet, discuss it with your doctor. The doctor will probably consider monitoring your progress and see if the diet is not affecting your body in unwanted way or changing the initial effect of the medications used. There are some changes of insulin levels, depression, blood sugar levels and blood pressure noted in several cases.
Health Warnings
This diet usually last for 10 days, and it can take more only if the doctor recommends it. But if you sense the body is fed up with these eating habits, change it. During this diet, a person needs to take from 6 to 12 glasses of lemonade every day. One glass of lemonade should have 1/6 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of grade B maple syrup. When we combine them together, one glass of lemonade will have 109 calories. Remember to drink water as well and never to repeat this diet in the following six months after the ending of the diet. There are several side effects associated with this diet, which makes intense impact on the intestinal system. They are dehydration, fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, fever, vomiting, and nausea. Remember that this diet has the purpose to remove the toxins from your body and not to reduce weight. For the end, we have to say that this actually is not a diet in the common meaning of the word. It is actually a cleansing of the body. It will reduce weight, but this is an effect created by the breakdown of the fat stores.
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