Radish, scientifically termed Raphanus Sativus, is an edible root of a plant which can be of white, black, purple or red color. Radishes can be either eaten raw and are crispy of slightly sweet or peppery taste or they can be cooked, seasoned in salads and pickled. People also grow radishes for oil production. Nutritional as well as protective effects contribute to their wide consumption.
Radishes are the source of minerals and Vitamin C. They help in the detoxification of the organism. In addition, it is also advisable to use them in treating various ailments, especially that of the liver. It lowers the level of bilirubin and eventually removes it since it is released when liver affects red blood cells. Jaundice is a health condition caused by a great number of bilirubin,one of the symptoms being the yellowish skin color.
As an antioxidant, a radish helps the cells function properly and also supplies the blood with enough oxygen needed for metabolic processes. In treating jaundice, it is preferable to use black radishes and even their leaves.
It has been shown that they have a beneficial effect on the digestion processes. Indigestible Carbohydrates contained in radish enables better digestion and also prevents constipation. Problems with constipation may lead to piles, or haemorrhoids, so radishes have a protective feature here. Radishes relieve the pains and uncomfortable feeling of piles.
Anti-inflammatory property of radishes lowers the risk of experiencing kidney or urinary infections. Radishes appear as a diuretic which means they clean urinary channels and kidneys.
They soothe the urinary problems and burning sensations when urinating. Radishes have disinfectant and cleansing qualities so they clean the kidneys of all toxins and purify blood. Folic, vitamin C and anthocyanins are helpful in preventing not only kidney cancers, but also colon, stomach, and intestinal cancers. Enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase are contained in radishes. They are important in preventing gallbladder and liver infections, reducing the level of bilirubin and detoxifying blood.
Radishes are of low calories, yet they make a person feel full. Water is a basic element in radishes so in combination with low digestible carbohydrates and high roughage (indigestible carbohydrates), they present a good way for dieting and losing weight.
When squashed and then used with vinegar or ginger juice they can be rubbed onto the skin, treating in this way skin diseases, especially Leucoderma. Radishes are rich in Vitamin C, zinc, phosphorus some vitamins B and water. All these elements moisturize the skin, disinfects it, clean it and refresh it. Dried skin, patches, rashes and skin cracks can be treated with smashed radishes. Radish juice eases the swelling and pains caused by insects bites and stings.
If a person feels feverish, drinking radish juice will help lower the temperature and revive the organism. Radishes have a positive impact on asthma symptoms and other breathing organs ailments. Their refreshing quality is pleasant to the mouth, sore throat, cough and headaches.
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