Information on Radish
There are five main types of radishes and those include thered globe radish, the black radish, the Daikon radish, the white icicles andthe California mammoth white radish. They differ slightly one from another, interms of shape, size, solidity, color of the flesh, color of the skin, taste,dryness, mildness and shelf life. Radishes come from the family of cabbages sothey are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber, manganese,copper, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, riboflavin, sodium and numerous othertypes of essential nutrients. Radishes are quite popular because they can becharacterized by very potent antifungal and antibacterial properties. Anothergood thing about radishes is that they are very low in cholesterol andsaturated fats.
Health Benefits of Radish
Radishes are very good at purifying and detoxifying theblood which comes in very handy in enhancing the overall health of the stomachand the liver and preventing jaundice. They are very efficient in enhancing theprocess of digestion and preventing constipation. Radishes have very potentdiuretic properties and they may be of great help in treating various urinarydisorders and burning sensations and inflammatory conditions which may occurduring urination. Radishes can be very helpful in preventing certain types ofcancer and various other severe medical conditions. They are also powerfulantioxidants so they may be of great help in fighting off the free radicals andreducing the amount and severity of damage they cause inside the human body.Radishes are excellent at maintaining proper health of the skin and preventingnumerous skin related medical conditions. They are also very efficient intreating respiratory conditions, enhancing the health of the nails, hair,nerves, gums and teeth, stimulating the appetite, relieving nervous exhaustionand reducing obesity. Those who suffer from diabetes should consume plenty ofradishes. Radishes are commonly consumed in their fresh, raw form, but they mayalso be cooked as an ingredient in various different types of soup. They needto be soaked in cold water before consumption so that their crunchiness andfreshness can be retained.
Nutritional Values
A serving of 100 grams of fresh, raw radishes in their rawform contains 30 International Units of vitamin A, 20 calories, 0.03 milligramsof thiamine, 1.2 grams of proteins, 24 milligrams of vitamin C, 4.2 grams ofcarbohydrates, 37 milligrams of calcium, 31 milligrams of phosphorus and amilligram of iron.
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