Doing squats can be verycomfortable sometimes. It can provoke back and knee problems, but for those whowant the best results, it is necessary to overcome these problems and exercise.If you want to have perfect abs, you will have to get down in a sitting positionand stand up. By repeating this drill, you will do the best workout possiblefor the abs. This is tremendous exercise which involves many muscles and does agreat cardio workout in the same time.
We will state a few muscles thisworkout affects. Expanding the hip and Flexing the knee is the hamstringresponsibility. This muscle is located behind the thighs and provides thebalance you seek. By doing squats you will simulate their natural movement,which will lead to their strengthening, and decrease the chances for injurywhile exercising.
Next group are abdominals andspinal erectors. Together they keep the spine in the upright position. Thesemuscles will produce a great muscular detail, not to mention the elimination ofthe pain in the lower back. And we all have to agree that this can be a verydifficult problem to overcome while exercising. Quadriceps has four differentmuscles. Those are vastus medialis, vastus intermediaries and vastus intermediaries(which helps the knee to get in straight position) and vastus lateralize (makesthe knee straight and the hip bend). The exercise simulates their movement. Thegluts are responsible for moving inward and outward and also for moving thethigh sideways and upward. To perform the exercise, take a bar, put it on theshoulders, put the hands on the bar and perform the squatting. This is done bymoving from standing position to the sitting position.
There are several things you arenot supposed to do under the rack. Never look down, hunch over, squat withoutshoes, take a heal block, use a smith machine or go spotter less. During oneweek, you will need to perform a warm up lasting twenty repetitions, first setconsisting of twelve repetitions, second set with ten repetitions and the thirdwith six to eight repetitions. But remember that the weight used for exerciseis not crucial. It can even be counterproductive to use excessive weight forexercise. This is a very good workout for the squat warm up. First perform twosets with twelve repetitions of leg extension, than do the squat routine westated earlier (for one week), then three sets with twelve, ten and eightrepetitions of leg curls, calf raises in three sets of fifteen repetitions,and, at the end do a fifteen minutes treadmill workout. There are several variationsof the exercise. You can perform squats while slightly moved frontward. Thiswill increase the strain of the upper part of the body. You can put a boxbehind you which will help you to squat to the same position every time. Butyou must never disregard the pain in the lower back. If this exercise isproducing too much pain, focus on the other exercises which have a similarpurpose. Such exercise is the leg press.
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