Only the Right Squats are ActuallySquats
Squats present an excellent exercise for all those who desire to tone their thigh muscles and get the most out of them by providing them a thorough training specifically designed for this muscle group. However, in order to be effective, squats need to be done correctly. There are several rules you need to know and set in action, if you desire to benefit from squats and perform them correctly. Therefore, if you do not obey these rules, you are not doing squats at all. At the same time, you are not gaining muscle power and fitness through incorrect performance. All in all, the following pieces of information will provide you with all the data you need in order to do squats correctly. The results will be amazing, since your squat technique will be ultimately precise andeffective.
How to Perform Front Squats Correctly
Front squats involve a barbell resting on your front shoulders. This exercise increases your overall strength and makes you capable of lifting more weight during othertrainings.
First of all, you need to push your chest out as much as you can, increasing their size. The chests themselves should provide the sole support for the barbell, your hands only holding it with your elbows raised high. Secondly, your legs need to be wide apart. You can establish an ideal width by spreading your legs an inch further than the width of your shoulders. Make sure your toes are pointing out, for maximum balance. Additionally, you lift the barbell when you push your chest up, without excessively involving your back. Your eye focus should be directed to what is in front of you and, concentrated; you should stick to this single spot. As far as your arm width is concerned, it should be somewhere around 55cm or 1m. Then, with your hands and arms supporting the barbell, place it onto your throat area, making sure your shoulders carry its weight. Once you start moving up again, you should touch your two elbows, while still keeping them raised. Involve your heels in the pushing, while your toes remain in the same position as mentioned above. Next, perform a squat, keeping your hips moved back a little. Stop descending once your hip level falls below your knee level. Finally, make sure your knees are not close to each other.
Alternatively, you might want to use a box enabling your hips to be lower than your knees while doing squats. Then, your grip width is much shorter and your barbell is just beneath your neck. Your legs should be apart as in the previous exercise and your shoulder blades tight. Perform the lifts with your back and abs tight, forcing all your power through your chest. Be careful not to perform this exercise with a bad posture, bent back or hips, since you might injure yourself.
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