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Black Mold

We will focus on living organisms called molds, which are basically fungi and they eat dead organic substances. They are housed in the organic matter, which is then decomposed and which results in the energy they need and the simpler organic material that provides it.

The excrement is made once the food is metabolized by molds. When a substance is infected with mold, there will be stains located on them and that is excrement. Mold is a problem that has to be dealt with. Numerous complications, such as spoiling of the fabrics, curtains, leather goods, clothes and walls, along with the spreading of the allergy can occur. The spots created by the mold can be eliminated with the help of the products designs for cleaning mold. Such products can eliminate the mold, but when you buy them, you will have to see if a certain product can eliminate the stains as well.

Every surface in your home, like concrete walls, carpets, clothes, wood products and other organic material, can be affected by the mold. Mildews and mold seem to develop more on the items with high content of cellulose. They prefer wet homes so you have to keep your home dry. Take every possible precautionary measure to dry off your home if a problem with flood, overflow or a leak occurs.

Also, human beings and air can carry mold spores. So be careful with your shoes, especially if they are of leather, and take them off before you enter your house. Mold is present everywhere around us, so we can easily pick them up with our shoes and bring them inside our homes. Be careful with the clothes since mold can be attached to them as well. It is best to wash your clothes once you get home.

The Appearance of Mold

Black molds are basically toxic molds, which owe the name to the black specks they produce. They can be granular, cottony or velvet and their color may be brown, green, gray, white and black. When the food is metabolized by the black molds, mycotoxins are produced and they will cause harm to the human body.

Problems with respiratory system may be caused by the airborne hyphal fragments and mold spores, but other types of mold are not associated with other medical problems of humans. Colonies of mold can be visible to humans, while single microscopic organism called mold is not. Colony of mold is called hyphae and has no discrete organisms included.

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