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Black mold is a term used to describe a greenish-black substance that often accumulates on the walls and presents a serious health concern. The black mold is actually a member of the Stachybotrys genus of molds, which is an asexually-reproducing fungus. This genus embraces more than 50 species but black mold, also known as the toxic black mold, is most frequently associated with health problems. This species is known as Stachybotrys chartanum or Stachybotrys atra. It usually develops in houses or rooms with poor indoor air quality and water-damaged building materials.
Black mold increasing during summer
Molds typically flourish during the summer days for a couple of reasons. First of all, fungi grow and thieve in the warm and moist environment. Winter days, when the temperatures are much lower than in other seasons, are not very suitable for spore generation and mold reproduction. Molds typically hibernate during the winter, as their reproductive rate drastically decreases.
On the other hand, most of the people keep their doors and windows closed during the winter time, which prevents entering of the mold spores to the house. Houses without any mold are normally safe during the winter, but as the weather becomes warmer the outside molds will also become active and may enter the house. Certain conditions such as a high level of humidity in the rooms will provide all of the necessary environmental conditions for mold to come to life and spread all over the surfaces.
Black mold exposure
Exposure to black molds causes various health problems in humans. Most of the people will experience chronic fatigue, headache, and fever, and eye irritation, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat. Sometimes people will have problems with sneezing, coughing and skin rashes. In more severe cases, symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and bleeding in the lungs and nose.
Fighting the black mold
Black mold is usually found on water soaked wood, ceiling tiles, wall paneling, cardboard, floors, walls and ceilings. The mold needs moisture to grow and develop, and preventing excessive humidity in the house is essential to reduce the probability of mold overgrowth. Sometimes, the mold hides under the carpets, around the areas where it floods or leaks. One should check pipes and roofs for leaks and check the walls for excessive moisture. Walls will normally peel or bubble if there is some excess moisture inside them. When you only smell mold but cannot see it, it would be the best to call a professional and ask for an advice.

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