A Toxic Danger Lurking in Your House
Many people take mold for granted. However, once it is present in your home, it can be quite dangerous for your health, especially for the health of your children, since their immune systems are not strong enough to fight against all the problems these fungi may cause. Being fungi, these organisms prefer moist and humid places such as bathrooms and similar locations. However, if the conditions are right they might be found in carpets, walls, ceilings or even air conditioners. One of the worst types of mold you can end up with is the black mold. This type is the most dangerous due to the spores this fungus produces. Namely, its spores are toxic and, upon inhaling them, the poison may get to your organism and cause numerous problems. Also, the same thing can happen if the toxins get in contact with any wounds you might have. For all these reasons, and many more, it is best to get rid of the black mold as soon as you notice it in your house.
What Can Black Mold Cause?
As mentioned above, children are the group most likely to experience some serious allergic reactions upon contacting the black mold spores. Also, pregnant women and infants belong to the same group, due to their low immunities.
Some of the main manifestations of having black mold spores in your organism are skin problems like allergies, redness, itchiness, bumps etc. If the exposure continues, the respiratory system start experiencing problems like coughing, sneezing, breathing difficulties or even the development of chronic asthma. Many allergies which firstly appear upon contacting black mold, may stay with you for life.
Some more serious reactions involve vomiting, nausea, dizziness, fatigue and fever, as well as many other fits of this type. Children may develop diarrhea as well, along with some eye problems manifesting through irritation, itching, redness, watery eyes, and blurred vision.
The worst case scenarios may result in some neurological disorders, memory loss and troubles with remembering things, accompanied by blood in one's cough, along with the loss of appetite and body weight. Final stages of black mold exposure result in permanent neurological damage, blindness, brain damage and death.
To conclude, upon noticing black mold in your house, remove it as soon as possible and prevent it from releasing spores which you and your child may inhale and potentially get sick from. In case you notice some of the above mentioned symptoms in your child, seek medical attention and a proper diagnosis. Also, look for this type of mold in some secluded, dark and humid places in your house, once you decide to make sure you have removed every last part of this troublesome fungus.
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