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Pregnancy, baby delivery and first years of a child's life – some will say that these might be the most joyful days in a person's life. After that, even though love for a child is still present, of course, worries are piling up with tremendous pace. A pregnancy signifies a lot of changes in a woman's life, everything changes, both psychologically and physiologically. Even though hormonal levels are raging and that causes many mood swings, most of the women will say that physical aspect is the most problematic when it comes to pregnancy. Naturally, the stomach grows, and weight too, because most of women cannot establish the proper amount of food they have to eat since there is a baby in the stomach. So, they tend to eat more than necessary in a fear that there will not be enough for the child. So, when delivery has passed, most of women are left with increased weight and a visible belly.

Abdominal region

Recovery after the child has been born differs from case to case. There are women who return to their previous state in a matter of days, while some need weeks, even months. These periods are longer if C section has been performed. When it comes to the abdominal region, it changes the most, which is logical. This means that this area needs more attention for returning to state before the pregnancy. So, what can be done for getting the best abs? Defining workouts after pregnancy are one solution, but what do they consist of?

Workout structure

First of all, everything should be done slowly. There is no need for some intensive workout as soon as the woman starts to feel capable of exercising. Stomach has gone through a sort of a physical trauma and time is needed for a complete recovery. Therefore, exercises that target abs only should not be used until some strength is regained. That strength can be reached with the help of cardio workout (fast walks, some light aerobics etc.). Only when the stomach is able to withstand some more exertion, focusing exercises should be done. Even then, light variations should be performed. For example, sit-ups should include only raising torso a bit, not more than 30 degrees. To make this exercise even easier, feet should be on the ground with legs bent in knees. Whatever is done, it has to be intensified gradually, so that the body does not suffer in any way.

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