Having a fit and attractive body is something that everyonedesires and the only thing that prevents people from gaining that body is time.Most of people have too many daily obligations, both men and women, and thatsimply does not leave much time for exercising. But knowing that there are manypositive effects of increased physical activity, it would be smart toreschedule the weekly planner and squeeze in couple of training sessions.
Exercising for women
It might be a bit more difficult for women to keep the body constantlyin shape because of the pregnancy period and because of menstrual cycles.Exercises used for shaping a female body are more or less same as for men. Whenit comes to ab workouts for women, they include sit-ups, crunches and legraising. These are basic forms that should be done by a beginner.
Sit-ups – this exercise requires a practitioner lying down onthe back. Arms can be put aside, crossed over chest or with hands behind thehead, while legs are straight or bent in the knees. All that is required is raising thetorso towards legs and back on the floor. This basic form has so many differentvariations that the entire abdominal region can be perfected. For example, top positionof the torso varies, so if the angle is lower than 90 degrees, the exercise canbe done faster. Also, legs can be bent in knees in different angles. With threedifferent positions of arms, it is obvious that there are many forms of thisexercise.Crunches – the same starting position is necessary but this time, the knees andtorso are moving one to another. In the upper position, this will requirebalancing body on the gluteal muscles only, which requires a lot of strength.This means that it might not be the ideal starting form for those who juststarted with exercising, but later on, this is definitely something that has tobe doneLeg raising – again, the starting position is the same, butthis time legs are going up. Legs can be straight or bent in knees. This one andcrunches are excellent for lower abs with some small impact on upper abs, whilesit-ups are great for the upper abdomen.Cardio
Running, swimming, aerobics, yoga, treadmill, ellipticaltrainer, these are some of the things that should be done for the overall greatbody shape, including the abdominal area and especially if there is some extra fattissue present.
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