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Smoke Without Smoke

Smokeless cigarettes have gained a widepopularity among nicotine lovers around the world recently.Basically, these cigarettes are electric ones, working on batteries.However, these cigarettes do not produce smoke, while still givingyou the same taste and amount of nicotine as traditional ones do.

Smokeless cigarettes allow you toinhale vaporized nicotine which emits no smoke, no smell and does notaffect others in any way. So, with smokeless cigarettes you can smokeanywhere, anytime. There are many different models of these productsyou may possibly opt for. The lines below will present you with themost common and best ones.

The Best Smokeless Cigarettes

If you are looking for quality, GreenSmoke electronic cigarettes should be your first choice. Theseproduce nicotine vapors which are considered to be the best and the mostauthentic. Also, Green Smoke cigarettes are praised for theirsimplistic, yet effective design. Moreover, you may choose from manydifferent flavors and cartridges carrying them, enjoying the tastewhich will be exactly to your liking.

Next are Luci smokeless cigarettes.These are high quality electronic smokeless cigarettes, looking andfeeling very closely to the real thing. Yet, these cigarettes areunique since they contain a special chip which delivers specificamounts of nicotine vapor in a predefined time frequency, making sureyou do not overdose.

If you desire an American product,tested and guaranteed for quality by your own country, SmokeStiksmokeless cigarettes are your best choice. These can be ordered anddelivered to your home address, being packed and designed, as well asproduced in the US. Available in many cases with different colors,you may get a genuine feel of a cigarette, choosing the nicotinestrength while ordering your package.

Moving on, you may opt for Blu Cigs.These are affordable and may be ordered as well. Yet, their bestoption, alongside with quality and price, is the 30 day trial periodduring which, if you are not satisfied, you may return the productand get your money back. These also come with exchangeable cartridgeswhich contain nicotine which will last as long as a carton of regularcigarettes.

If nicotine is your passion, you cannotgo wrong with Direct E-Cig. Rigged with 90% nicotine and a freetry-before-you-buy period, this brand of smokeless cigarettes has noadditives and other chemicals, in contrary to many other alternativeson the market. Here, atomizers are changed along with thecartomizers, bearing the power of a whole 2 packs of regularcigarettes.

Finally, Rite Smoke electriccigarettes, boasting with their intriguing blue led light at the tip,making it completely different from a cigarette, are also a choice ofmany. These come with a USB connector and a portable charger.

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