An Ignorantly Dangerous Habit
Many people consider themselves passionate cigarette smokers. However, just a few of them are completely aware of what they are doing. Most smokers simply indulge in this habit for stress release, fashion, social issues, or some other things. Nevertheless, hardly ever does one stop and think about the materials his or her cigarette consists of. The majority of smokers satisfy themselves with the fact that there is nicotine and tobacco being inhaled and exhaled in and from their bodies daily. Little do they know that these two elements might be the least of their concerns.

A Terribly Unhealthy Habit
Although the main ingredient of cigarettes is tobacco, there are numerous additions to these leaves. Namely, taking into consideration that this plant has an unwanted habit of burning too fast, numerous chemicals are added in order to increase the flavor and prolong the smoking experience. Thus, once you inhale that smoke from your cigarette, be aware that around 4000 different chemicals are getting inserted into your organism as well. Moreover, be prepared to face the fact that more than 50 of these may cause different types of cancer. Therefore, here is a list of all the ingredients making your smoking experience better and your life shorter.
Benzene, being an additive for petrol, very useful in heavy industry, is one of the basic additions to cigarettes as well. Furthermore, the nicotine from your favorite habit would not be able to transform into gas, nor would it have such a profound flavor if it was not for ammonia, an element crucial for toilet cleaning chemicals. As the list goes on, know that you are smoking the same chemical people use for preservation of corpses, formaldehyde. Also, rest assured that this chemical is extremely poisonous and that it can cause cancer.
People who indulge in smoking may as well indulge in breathing in the exhaust gases of motor vehicles since they contain the same element their cigarettes do, carbon monoxide. Also, a chemical used in cigarettes was crucial for supplying gas chambers with their lethal elements in World War II. This was hydrogen cyanide. Finally, arsenic is a common element found in both cigarettes and rat poison.
Rat Poison or Human Poison?
Researches have shown that, due to numerous different chemicals found in cigarettes, including several insecticides and pesticides as well as arsenic, there is a tight connection between these objects of smoker's enjoyment and rat poison. This fact, along with the previously mentioned list of lethal elements may serve as enough evidence for quitting this habit. However, others which are neither frightened nor convinced may freely continue inhaling their suicidal pleasure.
- Three hundred eighty eight current smokers aged 18 and older completed an online survey in February 2015.
- We randomized participants to respond to one of two sets of 13 toxic products that contain cigarette constituents and 25 health effects associated with cigarette constituents.
- Products that elicited the most discouragement were those with lower chances of exposure (e.g., explosives), followed by products with possible exposure (e.g., rat poison), and products with a high likelihood of exposure (e.g., floor cleaner).
- Awareness of toxic products that constituents are found in (p
- Cancer was associated with higher discouragement relative to respiratory, cardiovascular, and reproductive health effects (all p
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