What is testosterone?
Testosterone is the hormone which causes the development of male sex characteristics, and it is regarded as male sex hormone, but it can be also found with females, though in considerably small amounts. This hormone has the important role in bone and muscle production, as well as in the increasing of libido.
Low testosterone
When the body does not produce enough testosterone, the level of this hormone is decreased, and the doctors prescribe some testosterone boosters. The most frequent side effects of low testosterone are the changes of moods or mood swings and the gaining of weight. Furthermore, lack of sexual interest, and in some cases even impotence in men can occur as a result of low level of testosterone. Many persons also experienced a decline in bone density, as well as in muscle mass. Moreover, depression, tiredness and fatigue are very common, and because all of these conditions, a person decides to use some testosterone boosters.
Usually, the testosterone boosters are mostly taken by athletes and body builders as nutritional supplements in order to increase their muscle mass. Testosterone boosters are also very good in solving some sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction. Testosterone boosters can be classified in two groups: those that are legally prescribed or those that are illegally obtained. Creatine is a testosterone booster that is completely safe for the health, but on the other side, anabolic steroids have many unwanted effects.
Testosterone boosters and their side effects with men
The most frequent side effects of the testosterone boosters are oily skin, acne, and baldness with men. It is believed that testosterone boosters lead to the development of diabetes. If the person uses testosterone boosters for a long time, it may cause the liver damage in the beginning, and then result in the liver cancer. Kidney failure and enlarged prostate are only some of the side effects of the testosterone boosters, because in some cases reduction of testicles appears and the body is not capable of naturally producing testosterone any longer.
Side effects of testosterone boosters in women
The most common side effects of the testosterone boosters with women are the abrupt rising of the level of testosterone in the body that leads to the appearance of some male sex characteristics such as excessive facial and body hair and deep voice. In some cases, women develop enlarged clitoris. The most serious adverse effect of the taking of testosterone boosters with women is the occurrence of breast cancer.
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