Dianabol, d-bol, methandrostenolone or methandienone is one of the very popular anabolic steroids. It is used as oral medication, which means it’s in the form of tablets, but there are also some injectable dianabol forms. It is often used by athletes, bodybuilders, power lifters and weight lifters, to provide stronger and bigger muscles.
The main function of all anabolic steroids, including the dianabol, is to speed up the synthesis of proteins in the cells, which promote the growth of many body cells and especially muscle cells.
Dianabol has some moderate androgenic but strong anabolic properties. It is often combined with testosterone injections, especially with sustanon, enanthate or cypionate. The dianabol dose can vary from 15 to 50mg for men and some 5 to 10mg for women, depending on the effects the person wants. When entered in the body, dianabol works very fast and the effects last for some 6 to 8 hours. It is said to increase the glycogenolysis, synthesis of proteins and to ensure dramatic muscle strength after some short period of use. Other effects include the reduction of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
Dianabol is Illegal Substance
Since the 1990 dianabol and some other substances are considered illegal to use. According to the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 (and also Controlled Substances Act) a number of substances mustn’t be used by bodybuilders or other athletes to aid muscle growth. It is listed in the same group as cocaine, opiates, amphetamine and methamphetamines, and the possession of these substances are illegal and those people will be prosecuted.
However, it is still available in Mexico, Thailand and some European countries, from where it is illegally transported to the US bodybuilding market. The most popular of all is Russian dianabol.
Dianabol abuse is easily detected in the laboratories, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques, since this steroid has several specific metabolites. Just 5mg used once can be detected for 19 days in the urine sample.
Dianabol Adverse Effects
Since this medication is known as powerful steroid, it also causes certain unwanted side effects. People sensitive to steroid should avoid taking these preparations, either as tablets or injections.
The person using dianabol may experience hypertension, sleeping difficulties, liver problems or weight gain. Other side effects include instable concentrations in the blood after just a single dose of dianabol. Some recommend taking a half of the tablet, while others advise taking it whole, but all agree that it should be followed by proper weight training and high calorie diet.
Dianabol is also known to be toxic, because of its chemical structure. Most people suggesting this steroid recommended cycles of dianabol use, which should last for maximum 6 to 8 weeks.
High doses of dianabol can cause some androgen side effects, and people using over 30mg of this substance every day, could suffer from male baldness or hair loss and acne. Even a slightly higher dose (than recommended) may cause extreme masculine characteristics in women and they could remain indefinite.
This steroid can significantly influence and decrease the level of natural testosterone (T). Short term use is not considered to cause dramatic reduction of endogenous (natural) testosterone, but even some 20mg of dianabol used for 10days will lower the T level for more than 30%.
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