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Therapy’s value

When it comes to the therapy in question, the benefits it offers, or perhaps more adequately said the prospects it offers are quite alluring. Namely, it is known to hold the potential to bring about the increase in the person's muscle mass, boost one's memory and concentration, as well as libido and energy levels, among other things. And given the fact that all the previously mentioned faculties have the tendency to 'dilapidate' with age, such a therapy, as the one in question, might seem to people as a new haven for their troubles and the best way to stay youthful for another set of years to come.

However,no matter how attractive and promising this method may appear to many men, what everyone should know and be aware of is that its rejuvenating effects have not yet been a hundred percent confirmed or quite clear, come to that. Therefore, it is essential to discover as much as possible about this therapy and its most direct relation to the aging process as such.

Facts and details

Manypeople are not well acquainted with this hormone, its most predominant characteristics and other relevant information, all of which plays a significant role in the testosterone therapy as well, i.e. in its effect-rate. The hormone in question is known to be produced in the testes. Given the fact that it is primarily regarded as a male hormone, its benefits for the members of the male population include the following – maintaining bone density, proper distribution of fat, mass and overall strength of the person's muscles, keeping the production of red blood cells in check, as well as one's sex drive and production of the sperm.

Incase a person in question has issues with a low level of testosterone (quite low i.e.), he should not hesitate but pay his doctor a visit for the purpose of seeking advice on further steps that need to be taken to successfully bring the levels back to normal. As one of the solutions, doctors tend to prescribe a synthetic variant of testosterone, giving a person freedom of choice – testosterone injections, patches or testosterone gel.

Promotion of youthfulness and virility

As a matter of fact, the therapy in question is known to posses the immense potential in aiding one reverse the overall and undesired effects of hypogonadism. However, it still remains to be cleared out if it has a direct effect in cases of older men who have no health issues whatsoever. Despite the fact that men who do not suffer from lack of proper testosterone in the body tend to undergo the therapy in question for already stated reasons, this however does not mean that the desired effects will be there in the end. And all this has been confirmed by a number of research studies which state that the overall success of these therapies is mixed. To give you a clearer picture of what is meant here – for example, in one such study those men who took testosterone, otherwise quite healthy, increased their muscle mass on the one hand, but on the other they failed to gain any strength.

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