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Hair loss and DHT

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)is a male hormone that, upon reaching hair follicles, disrupts the hair growth. Dihydrotestosteroneties itself to the hair follicles, reducing the amount of nutrients thesefollicles can extract from blood. This in turn causes the follicles togradually diminish, the hair extending from them becoming thinner, and, if measuresare not taken, eventually the hair disappears completely. This problem ispresent in both men and women and is considered equally vexing for both genders,men suffering from male pattern baldness and females from female pattern baldness.The term pattern baldness is used due to the hair loss occurring in a definedpattern. Male pattern baldness (alopecia) is very common, with hair loss comingin an ’’M’’ shaped pattern.

Preventingand treating hair loss can be accomplished by decreasing the level of DHT inthe body. There is a multitude of ways to achieve this, including prescriptiondrugs like finasteride (Propecia). These drugs can block the conversion of freetestosterone into dihydrotestosterone, but often include severe side effectssuch as gynecomastia or erectile dysfunction due to their synthetic nature.

Saw Palmetto and its advantages

Sawpalmetto is a natural herb used to prevent the main cause of hair loss and thesymptoms that accompany hair loss. Botanically named Serenoa repens, Saw palmettois a diminutive palm that grows in warm climates, producing red fruits. Thisplant is extremely versatile, and is used for a variety of other ailments,including prostate urinary issues in men. It is not generally known that sawpalmetto also functions well in reducing and blocking the DHT hormone, thehormone that is the primary cause of hair loss. One of the main advantages of saw palmetto isthat it is natural and has no negative side effects, much unlike othermedication utilized for the hair loss treatment. Saw Palmetto functions by haltingand changing the hormonal signs, thereby reducing the amount of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)hormone that ends up in the hair follicles. This plant comes in two forms: oral or topical. Saw Palmetto reducesDHT in the scalp and the body, and effectively enhances healthy hair growth.

SawPalmetto has also been used by Native Americans to treat urinary disorders inmen, and is considered an effective treatment to benign prostate glandenlargement. The utilization of Saw Palmetto as a hair loss prevention productis a recent invention, its ability to convert testosterone into DHT is one ofits newfound traits. The plant has a similar method of action to that offinasteride, albeit much more natural as it does not affect the rest of theorganism and is devoid of the many side effects tied to finasterida and other prescriptiondrugs.

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