Facts About Hair
Hair styles vary from person to person, since every single person wears it differently. It is believed that each person has around 100,000 hairs on their head. Our hairs grow about 1 centimeter per month and after a couple of years they come to a resting phase for about one year. Nearly 10% of our hairs are in the resting phase while about 90% of them is growing. During everyday combing, you can see dozens of hairs fallen off from your head, but that is nothing unusual, since the average number of lost hairs per day is around 100 hairs.
Male Hair Loss Causes
Men are generally more prone to lose their hair than women. It can be due to certain diseases, hormones, smoking, stress or heredity problems. Men tend to lose around 150 hairs per day. Some men have their hair replaced with new hair, but some of them are not so lucky. There are men whose hair simply doesn`t grow back and this occurrence is called baldness, and the fact is that more than half of the male population experiences baldness in certain periods of their lives. Baldness can be treated with medications or by doing a surgery. There is a certain way in which the hair falls off from men`s head and it is called male pattern baldness. It usually starts by receding hair on the sides near the temples, and then forming a shape of the letter “M” on the scalp. Some men are ashamed of their bald scalp so they wear wigs, hats or scarves. Others accept losing their hair. With the help of the enzyme called 5-alpha, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When hair follicles interact with DHT, they tend to shrink and that is why men lose hair. There are those men who gradually lose their hair, but eventually their baldness becomespermanent.
In order to find the best medication on the market, you need to find one that is most likely to help in reduction of the production of DHT. One such medication is Propecia, which is highly effective in reducing the production of DHT. It is and oral drug available at local pharmacies and online. It is clinically tested and many men have already confirmed it to be effective. Surgical treatments are really effective, too and there are 3 types of surgeries. The first one is a flap-surgery, which works by enlarging the part of the scalp containing hair. The second type is called scalp reduction, which is good for men with small bald spots on their head, and the third one is called transplant. This type requires moving the non-sensitive hairs to the back of the head and is usually suitable for men who lost hair only on the front part of their head.
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